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I just want to smile
Yours truly.

This is Ray/Richard
Currently studying in HKSS, class 4A
Arrived at this prodigious world on 2nd May, 1993
Im a taurus
Currently single, and available.
Although faced with many adversities,
I struggled to survive all.
And I believe, if I want, I can.
I can't make you love me,
but please don't hate me.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


-L1R4 10 points, L1R5 12 points.
-Im contented at the moment ;)





^2fam Clique
Fen Fang, (Fen)^2
Hui hui, (Hui)^2
Kelvin, (vin)^2
Rebecca, (bear)^2
Serene, (rene)^2
Sherlyn(private), (lyn)^2
Sherlyn, (lyn)^2
Yi lin, (lin)^2

WHATever clique

Beloved pals
Adibah (NPAP'09)
Ai Jing
Alisa (NPAP'09)
Amanda (NPAP'09)
Azlizah (NPAP'09)
Cussie Kelvin
Helmi (NPAP'09)
Jing yuan
Khoirul (NPAP'09)
Ru cui; Esther(habbo)
Saifuddin (NPAP'09)
Shu fei
Yi Wen
Yi yin
Yi yue
Yong hao

If your link is missing, do tell me =)
Inactive links will be removed (sorry)


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

First day of work...
Hello peepo~
Some of you might know, I had started my first day of work yesterday, at Marina Square's Precious Thots.
It's actually a gift shop, and I don't know why I apply for it since it's more of a feminine job. The day started off sucky. The moment I arrived, the supervisor started to teach me gift wrapping. Listen carefully, GIFT WRAPPING. Someone like me doing gift wrapping?! That's totally insane and amusing at the same time. And they taught me 2 types of gift wrapping. One is those bag kind, and it's for items with irregular shapes such as teddy bears. As for square or rectangular items, it's another method of gift wrapping (which I have yet to master...)
Gift wrapping alone is already enough to kill me. But that isn't all. There's like over 100 of different products in the store, and I am expected to know where the stocks are. Furthermore, the stocks are arranged pretty messily, and I really have a hard time remembering where to get new stocks for customer...
However, I don't know what happen, but after spending like 6 hours in the shop, I started to be pretty enthusiastic towards my new job. Perhaps it's because I'm starting to wrap the gifts decently, or maybe I am adapting to my new work place. I don't really know.
And oh! I took my schedule. I'm only working like, 9 days for the whole month! That means... I'm sooo gonna scout for a SECOND PART TIME JOB! Woohoo! ;D Gonna take a look at PastaMania or Swensens. And hopefully, my resort world's theme park crew interview on Wednesday will grant me a place over there!
I'm so obsessed with working now. LOL!
Have fun peeps!

1:27 PM

Friday, December 4, 2009

2012 is really an awesome movie.
Hey there!
Recently, I went to catch 2012 with Kelvin and Yee Seng. Although this movie was already released quite some time back, but I have no opportunity to watch it, until 2 days ago.
Basically, 2012 is about the world ending in 2012 due to the Earth Crust Displacement and it features how people tried to run for their lives but all of them ended up getting killed because the road cracks, volcano explodes, buildings unearthed and unless you're flying in the air, if not there's no chance of survival.
However, only a group of people and they are usually those rich ass or those who are capable of building a new civilization (such as scientists, researchers, or leaders) that will be able to board a gigantic ship which will ensure their survival because that ship will be sailing on the ocean, and it's very sturdy against colossal waves.
Halfway throughout the movie, weird thoughts started to form in my mind. I was thinking, what if all these really happened to us in 2012? By then, I'd only be 19 and have yet to live my life to the fullest. I was also imagining if roads started to crack around us and the earth's temperature rising and I'd even picture myself running like a maniac on the road. It'll be insane, and just the thought itself petrified me.
Also, I'm thinking if I really survived the catastrophe, it'll be really bizarre to start everything from scratch because I'm too used to having high-rise buildings all around me. It would be phenomenal to witness the rise of a civilisation and to start a new life!
Overall, 2012 is really an awesome movie, and should there be anyone who had not watch this movie yet, I would advise you to catch it at the theatre ASAP. ;D

On the other hand, I'm getting really exhausted from all the job hunts. I tried to look for positions like retail assistant in apparel shops, but it seems that either they have already gotten their part time staff, OR they need at least 18 years old and above. I have even tried gift shops, and have yet to receive any news. Every time I sent in my resume or application form, I held on to a glimpse of hope, but the thing is, there is always no replies.
Regardless of what, I'm so tired of sitting around at home, doing nothing meaningful. I'm so gonna try Starbucks and swensens for jobs, if not I'll even go to pastamania.
Hopefully, I can get a job by the end of next week...

1:24 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sitex IT fair.
Able to survive the 4 days of IT fair is quite an impressive feat.
The 4 days of IT fair is really arduous. We had to report at around 10am, and we are usually dismissed at 9.30pm. For the whole day (except lunch and dinner), I will have to be standing at the booth...
I was actually assigned to Toshiba's laptop booth. I can only say, my first time working didn't turn out to be very lucky. There are quite a number of Toshiba's booth from other retailers and my retailer's booth happens to be trap in between 2 other Toshibas. In the end, we didn't even managed to get much customers because our booth was so isolated and trapped by 2 other Toshiba booths.
And when I walked around the Sitex fair, I can barely squeeze through the walkway. This shows how the people inundated the whole hall 5 and 6 at expo. The irony is, when I walk back to my booth, I can actually walk with both arms spread wide out. Totally empty with only a few customers walking by...
Enough of the rantings. Basically my job scope is to promote and sell the Toshiba laptop. Haha, I couldn't believe I can be such a good liar. I had to weave up some lies in order to persuade the customers to buy the laptop... In the end of the 4 days, I only managed to sell a total of 12 laptops, and usually 12 laptops is what other promoters sell in 1 day...
Poor result I must say, but I blame it on the poor location, poor brand as well as my inexperience in IT fair + my flu and sore throat...
Still, working at the IT fair is definitely an eye opener and a great learning experience for me. The other promoters working in the same booth as me were pretty helpful too. They tried to help me to answer some of the customer's questions when I couldn't handle it well and some of the more experienced promoters gave me some tips to sell the laptops.
Although tiring, but worthwhile.

1:10 PM

Yeeseng's birthday chalet!
Happy 15th birthday, YEESENG~
Haha! Pretty sorry for the EXTREMELY LATE update because the Sitex IT fair totally ate up all my time (i'll blog about the IT fair on my next post)
For yeeseng's birthday celebration, we went to the chalet at east coast park!
Although it was only a mere 2 days 1 night chalet, but I hope yeeseng will really enjoy himself and will have a memorable 15th birthday celebration.
On the 24th of Nov, most of us met up at JE and we took bus 197 to ECP. Okay, I know, I apologised for asking you all to take the bus instead of the train. Didn't expect the journey to take THAT long. ;x
Attendance for that day: Myself, Kelvin, HuiHui, Xinyi, Stephanie, Francis, Devon(Or is it jacky, or both? LOL), yeeseng's friends and of course yeeseng himself.
We reached the chalet at around 4pm, and everyone was really tired from all the walking. We planned to have a BBQ, but was pulled off since we didn't really prepare for the food and such. In the end, yee seng ordered 3 boxes of pizza from pizza hut! So yeah, we cycled around ECP before our pizza dinner and after dinner, everyone stayed at the chalet room watching television for about an hour.
That was when we decided that we shouldn't be wasting time watching TV on a chalet! And we started to form a circle on the bed and played Truth or Dare! It was awesome. Those who chose dare were like, forced to kiss someone of the opposite gender with a piece of paper in between them. Cool right? And those who chose Truth will have to like, say out if anyone in the room will have a chance of becoming his/her boyf/girlf. Kinda cruel, but those are especially designed for 'SOMEONE' in the room. You all should get what I mean. xD
Around 10pm + we went out for NIGHT CYCLING! I had never cycle at night before, and it's totally fantastic. Especially because we have a potential couple among us, so we were like basically trying to match them up. Cycled until past midnight and we went back to chalet.
Its such a sad thing that I had IT fair training on the next morning, so I had no choice but to force my eyes to shut while the others played monopoly...
As usual, I couldn't really sleep in chalet, so ended up only slept for a few hours. In the morning, only yeeseng, huihui and me went for breakfast while the rest were sleeping like log. Due to the IT fair training, I left pretty early while most of them are still asleep ;D Haha!
Although the chalet wasn't really planned, but I hope everyone will have fun. ;)

Took some photos during the chalet, enjoy~ (I'm sorry for any unglam photos!)


Yeeseng's friends.


Stephanie and xinyi.

Kelvin and I.

Huihui and I.

The group in da room~


Examining guy's shampoo?

LOL random shot.

Yeeseng and devon!

Francis, just came out from a bath.



Okay, this looks totally wrong.

Xinyi and devon walking hand in hand~

Mirror~ LOL.

Alrighty, that's about it for the chalet!

12:32 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

Most memorable camp ever, Red Camp 6!
Hey guys!
I am so glad that I attended Ngee Ann Poly's Red Camp 6. It's such an unforgettable experience. Even though the camp had already ended on 19 November, but I still feel like a viking now. The cheers keep rewinding inside my head, the crazy SLs are still in my memory, the whole spirit and atmosphere of the campers, the tribe emcee, tribe mascot and also the 3 red camp emcee. Everything about red camp is still distinctly in my mind.
I remembered during Day 1, the whole Vikings were like strangers. Basically, everyone just stick to their own group of friends, and the same goes to me. I was basically with siying, sarah and sofia for the whole day. Haha!
The whole tribe was really shy to do the cheers, but at the end of the 3rd day, we cheered as one. That, is truly viking spirit <3
Throughout the 3 days of red camp, we have our path of discovery whereby we visited all the schools at Ngee Ann Poly. I must say that the path of discovery is one of the best reward of red camp. Through the visits of different school and asking the SLs about some of the NP's course, it assisted me in finding out which is the course that I really wanted, as well as the modules and career prospect.
Educational stuff aside, we had tons of fun at red camp too! The SLs are really fun and loving people. They chatted with us and mingle around with us, and they make doing cheers so fun! On the 3rd day, there was a heavy downpour, and the SLs even made a bridge using their umbrella in order to shield us from rain, and they ended up getting drenched. We are really fortunate to have such noble SLs ;)
Guests also dropped by Red Camp. On the 2nd day, the casts of polo boys, first class and sports@SG went down to NP. Oh gosh, I need to admit, Jade Seah is HOT! And Michelle Chia have hot body ;D Jack and Rai also came down and sing us some songs! Everyone was on their feet and we were grooving to their music. Singapore do have talents, seriously. ;D On the 3rd day, Singapore Idol top 4 finalists visited too! I went crazy upon seeing Tabitha! Haha!
Also, I love the Chronicles of Ngee Ann and I must comment that all the tribes mascots are really adorable and had put up a fabulous show!
We also have our CCA fiesta on 3rd day, and we played games hosted by the NP's outward bounders and adventure seekers. I was lucky to be able to try the commit-suicide thingy. It's basically jumping off the platform, but I didn't die cos there's like, rope or what attached to me. But it was definitely thrilling.
It just feel so amazing to be part of something BIG. On red camp, we broke the singapore book of record. The first one is the most number of people doing the hocky pocky dance. We constantly danced for 5 mins! And the second record is the most number of people sucking lollipop! How cool is that~
On the last night, we had our Hop Night. It was hours of fun and craziness with everyone dancing wildly and emcees + Djs from Zouk (It's Zouk right?)
I can only say that, the fun and excitement from RED camp 6 cannot be expressed through words. You have to be there in order to find out the true spirit of red camp. I really hope I can be a SL next year. Hehe!
Thanks to all the SLs, tribe mascots and the emcees plus backstage crew for such an awesome and fun-filled event! You guys made red camp 6 rocks! Also, thanks to Sarah, Si ying and Sofia for the 3 days of fun! You girls rocks too! ;D
Without them, red camp 6 would not be such an unforgettable experience for me.
Now, let the pictures do the talking~

The day 1 of red camp, at the convention hall.

Sarah and siying, with their 'panda'. LOL

Random shot~

Sofia and me!

The awesome jack and rai!

Us with SL amirul!

Cast of polo boy!

Jade seah is <3!

JADE SEAH! LOL. and I dont know that guy's name.

Sarah is lucky to get a hug from one of the guy of polo boys!

Me, sarah, siying.

me, sofia.

The 3 girls~

Solo! LOL.

Sofia and me~

With the cap on!

The emcees, Roxanne, Matthew and Priscilla. I got their names right? LOL

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5407146040824556402" />
Sofia and I sucking lollipop!

Sarah and siying with their lollipop!

Another shot, with another random viking!

The whole group, with SL jin rong.

The top 4 singapore idol!

My beloved Tabitha!

With SL jervis!

Another shot with jin rong!

With SL Denise!

Spartan mascot, Oreo cheesecake!

The blurblur Jon Ho!

And now with the Jacob-look-alike with Ninja's mascot!

And that friendly Sl! I forgotten her name, sorry!

The fun amirul!

Da sexy Horny Hilton!

And that's Ziq!

With juliet and ... is that SL's name Corrine?

Another shot with Juliet!

And finally.. SL Zahrul!

The photos are ripped off from Sofia, and that's definitely not the full album yet! To view full content, please visit sofia's facebook. LOL!
Alright, before I go off, I want to say...

11:42 AM