Yeeseng's birthday chalet!Happy 15th birthday, YEESENG~
Haha! Pretty sorry for the EXTREMELY LATE update because the Sitex IT fair totally ate up all my time (i'll blog about the IT fair on my next post)
For yeeseng's birthday celebration, we went to the chalet at east coast park!
Although it was only a mere 2 days 1 night chalet, but I hope yeeseng will really enjoy himself and will have a memorable 15th birthday celebration.
On the 24th of Nov, most of us met up at JE and we took bus 197 to ECP. Okay, I know, I apologised for asking you all to take the bus instead of the train. Didn't expect the journey to take THAT long. ;x
Attendance for that day: Myself, Kelvin, HuiHui, Xinyi, Stephanie, Francis, Devon(Or is it jacky, or both? LOL), yeeseng's friends and of course yeeseng himself.
We reached the chalet at around 4pm, and everyone was really tired from all the walking. We planned to have a BBQ, but was pulled off since we didn't really prepare for the food and such. In the end, yee seng ordered 3 boxes of pizza from pizza hut! So yeah, we cycled around ECP before our pizza dinner and after dinner, everyone stayed at the chalet room watching television for about an hour.
That was when we decided that we shouldn't be wasting time watching TV on a chalet! And we started to form a circle on the bed and played Truth or Dare! It was awesome. Those who chose dare were like, forced to kiss someone of the opposite gender with a piece of paper in between them. Cool right? And those who chose Truth will have to like, say out if anyone in the room will have a chance of becoming his/her boyf/girlf. Kinda cruel, but those are especially designed for 'SOMEONE' in the room. You all should get what I mean. xD
Around 10pm + we went out for NIGHT CYCLING! I had never cycle at night before, and it's totally fantastic. Especially because we have a potential couple among us, so we were like basically trying to match them up. Cycled until past midnight and we went back to chalet.
Its such a sad thing that I had IT fair training on the next morning, so I had no choice but to force my eyes to shut while the others played monopoly...
As usual, I couldn't really sleep in chalet, so ended up only slept for a few hours. In the morning, only yeeseng, huihui and me went for breakfast while the rest were sleeping like log. Due to the IT fair training, I left pretty early while most of them are still asleep ;D Haha!
Although the chalet wasn't really planned, but I hope everyone will have fun. ;)
Took some photos during the chalet, enjoy~ (I'm sorry for any unglam photos!)


Yeeseng's friends.


Stephanie and xinyi.

Kelvin and I.

Huihui and I.

The group in da room~


Examining guy's shampoo?

LOL random shot.

Yeeseng and devon!

Francis, just came out from a bath.



Okay, this looks totally wrong.

Xinyi and devon walking hand in hand~

Mirror~ LOL.
Alrighty, that's about it for the chalet!