Evaluation of prelim result!
I had finally collected back ALL my prelim results! Let me do some reflection and evaluations!
English, B4
It was pretty disheartening. I thought I had wrote a flawless essay, with good content. How was I to know that my script was sprawled with red links filled with errors that were underlined by Mrs Yeo! I woke up alright, and I promise that I'll be writing at least one to two essays per week in order to brush up on my grammatical errors! In the end, only managed to score 35/60 for paper 1. I will not tolerate this for Os~ Paper 2 was up to my expectation. 33/50. But of course, I'll be doing even MORE comprehensions, hoping to hit a 35! ;) Overall, English was not very well done, and there's definitely much room for improvements!
E-maths/A-maths, A2
Let's start with E-maths. The A2 came as a surprise. I didn't really put priority in e-maths mainly because my mind was so filled with a-maths. Furthermore, paper 2 was indeed a killer. I didnt have enough time to complete! All I can say is, I am really lucky to get a distinction for e-maths, and of course, I'll work much harder to push a 2 into a 1. ^^
A-maths WAS ANOTHER SHOCKING NEWS. I swear, it was UNEXPECTED. If you all know me, i've been getting f9 all the way for my A-maths. I do admit, I pumped in plenty of effort for A-maths, almost doing it everyday and I had even cried on a few occasion out of stress from this subject. As I was doing this paper, the questions appear to be more familiar to me, and well, I was basically just praying for a pass. In the end, a A2 still seems to be a dream to me! Let's hope i'll sustain this for my O! In conclusion, hard work DO pay off. Trust me. ;)
Combined science(phy/chem), A2
Okay, for science, I merely made it for a distinction. In fact, i've only gotten 70/100! One problem in science is that I can't do my practical! I had only achieved 15.5/30! Which is a just-pass... My chemistry mark was quite acceptable. I just need to put in even more effort for physics because my physics had always been the one that's pulling down my science grade. In fact, I felt that I can do better for both sciences! Its alright, i'll be haunting the teachers for other schools' exam paper to try out. ;D Also, i'll be devoting more time in science, since I had sort of neglected it as I was mugging a-maths for most of my time.
Combined humanities(hist/ss), A1
This is it! After getting A2 for so many times, I had finally achieved my A1 in Humanities! For History, everything was pretty decent, except the fact that I had made the same mistake as mid year exam for one of my essay! I'll not allow this to happen again! As for SS, I think Mrs Ram marked leniently cos I've gotten 42/50 ;x
Yeah, quite pleased with humanities, although history can be done better!
Fundamental of electronics, F9
No comments
In a nutshell, my L1R4 is 10, while L1R5 is 12! So if I'm doing JC, i'll minus 2 from my CCA, so it's 10 points! Woohoo! NYJC and CJC~ LOL!
Okay, I can only dream now... -drools-
Not gonna attend school tomorrow, going to the clinic to get medicine for my chronic flu. Goodnight~ ;D
♥ 10:51 PM
Verdict is tomorrow!
What a dull weekend!
Thought that I'll be able to get some friends to watch Phobia 2 with me, but Oh well, either they're not free, too horrified of horror movies or bailed me out at the very last min. Never mind! ;D
Spent my weekend facing my laptop, reading forums, playing fifa online and doing revision on physics and chemistry.
Oh, we'll be getting back our prelim results tomorrow! I'm extremely overwrought! Although this may only be the prelim exams, yet I find that it serves as a benchmark to where I stand and that's why I treat my results for prelim very seriously!
Having english, maths, history and FE lessons tomorrow. Gosshh, it's timorous! I see no hope in English at all! My paper 2 was a complete goner~
Maths, I don't know, but I wish for a pleasant surprise.
As for history, I already have a mark in my mind, since I've made a grave mistake for my essay, and i'll not be scoring more than 32/50.
FE? I don't care. LMAO!
Okay, wish everyone good luck in getting back their prelim results tomorrow! Hope to see everyone in a joyous mood and jumping around jubilantly after getting back our results! Good luck peepo~
♥ 7:16 PM
Prelim is over, and that signalled the beginning of O level!
Like, woah! In a blink of an eye, prelim exams are already over?
Today marks the last paper, which is combined science MCQ. It was fairly simple, I can say, with most of the questions that popped out to be very standard.
On Tuesday, had my English Paper 2 and the passages were on malaria and mosquitoes, and I was like WTH?! The questions were tricky, summary was tough and I don't have a good premonition about my EL result...
Just yesterday, I had done my A-maths paper 2. First few questions were so-so, but when it comes to the last few, I got really panicky. The questions seem to be familiar, yet I can't unravel them. In the end, left the question on area under the curve blank, with a total of 8 marks gone! Worse still, I can't do the first part of question 11, and that left me paralyzed with the remaining parts... Lost a lot of marks in paper 2. Sigh.
Now that prelim is over, O level is finally coming. Yes, finally, I've waited for it after years of education, and it's time to get geared up for the foray~
However, please do take care of your health. It's really a waste, a complete waste, to fall ill or to be hit by fever on O level after months of preparatory work. The reason why I'm reminded of this, is because I'm now suffering from flu and having slight fever. Just popped down panadol, hope it works.
So peeps, while in the midst of mugging and preparing for O level, do remember to take care of our own health! Do not fall sick on this crucial moment! ;)
♥ 3:50 PM
Happy 15th birthday to HoXinYi!Happy birthday girl! 15 years old already, grow up kay? LOL! Just kidding!
May all your wishes comes true and... stay JOYFUL! ;D
Yup, it's xinyi's birthday and on Saturday, went to Sakura with xinyi's relatives and friends! Regretted not taking photos, because i'm such a glutton when it comes to buffet, and I totally forgotten to snap photos! But it was fun at Sakura, we were eating for an hour + and chatted until 9pm+ Then, the adults went home while the rest of us went for some sort of a stroll around west coast area and took bus home ;D
Just yesterday, we had another celebration for XinYi! Although there's only xinyi, kelvin, francis, Kelvin's friend (Vivien? If I had not mistaken her name) and me, but I hope xinyi have fun! ;D
We went all the way to Bedok, simply because there's a unknown ktv over there that is way cheaper than kbox/partyworld. Met Kelvin, francis at xinyi at clementi MRT and traveled all the way to Bedok. Reached at around 11.30am and we started singing all the way until 6pm! Although its stated that the duration is only for 3 hours, but we managed to carry on singing until 6pm because there isn't much customer ;x
Then, we went to AMK hub for dinner since xinyi gotta meet her friends over there. Went to the food court and ordered fried fish fillet with rice. I was soooo ravenous. Haha! Francis, Kelvin and I then went home after xinyi left.
And ooh, I just realised that CHOCOLATE really perks my mood. I am pretty moody at the ktv. No idea why, but just not in the mood to sing. And everyone were pretty quiet too, but that was only at the beginning. After kelvin and francis bought chocolate, I started to cheer up. Haha! Chocolate <3

Xinyi and Francis singing! -winkwink-

Another shot of them singing~

And both of them stare at me, giving the same look!

Kelvin's immersing in his own world!

The teevee~

Ceiling, LOL!

Psst, this isn't zilian, I just want to test the camera, cos of the dim lighting.

Me with the birthday girl~

With kelvin~

And that's with Francis. Sorry for the blur photo, i'm using front camera. LOL!

Taken at 8.09, which happens to be 20:09, 20/09/2009! Wow!
Yeah, that's all for the photos! 3 more papers for this week and i'm officially done with Prelim! O level is next, lets all gear up for it! I'm fully armed, are you?
♥ 12:04 PM
Almost done with Prelim ;D
Yayyy! I survived the ordeal. Alright, prelim is not fully over yet, but at least majority of the paper had completed! Next week, I'm only left with EL paper 2, A-maths paper 2 and Science(chem/phy) paper 1.
As for this week, it's really tough. I've got a splitting headache almost everyday after the papers.
On Tuesday, it's the practical exam. As usual, I don't really get the results for Chemistry. I think I might just flunk the chem practical. Physics was fairly easy, hope that it can pull up my practical mark!
Wednesday is quite n tough day. Had my SS paper. The source based questions were tricky, but managed to conquer it. However, the essays were problematic. Among the 3 questions, all 3 were those that I don't really like. In the end, chose the only 1 which i'm more familiar with, that is Globalisation. And the part 'b' of the essay, we were given 3 factors, and I freaking explained 1 factor wrongly! Gonna lose lots of marks ;( Heartache! Next paper on that day is combined science physics paper. Don't have to comment much. Practically, everyone were confused on how to answer those questions. It's the hardest physics paper ever!
Thursday is the day I had the worse headache. I had both maths paper on that day, and maths is always my weakest subject! E-maths paper 2 was the first paper on that day, and it was tough, very tough. I tried my best to rush through the questions, yet I'm faced with time constraint. I didn't have enough time to complete the paper, again. Luckily, Amaths paper 1 was quite alright. My hard work put into a-maths seem to work, but only the result will tell. Haha. I hope I don't fail a-maths again!
Finally, we'd come to Friday! E-maths paper 1 was a breeze! I guessed it's easy because paper 2 was so challenging! Oh, and I had combined science chemistry paper too! Disappointing, very dejected after the paper. Chemistry is always one of my favourite my subject, and I'm pretty desolated after the paper because I didn't tackle the questions well. Especially the essay questions, which were like 5 marks just to ask you to describe. Damn! Let's not talk about it ;x
Yup, so left with only 3 papers next week, and I'm done with prelim!
Seriously, I don't have high hopes for prelim now, after doing majority of the papers. Nevertheless, I just hope my not-so-ideal result can thrive me to work harder, and achieve better for the impending O level! ;D
Byeee~ ;D
♥ 12:16 PM
Prelim is finally here!
Hey people!
Wow! It's been more than a week since I had lay a finger on my blog! Well, the truth is, i've been very busy recently, always mugging and studying for my Prelim exam and O level. Well, that's the life of a sec 4! T_T
Everyday is simply study, chat on msn, play some online games, study, and sleep. Sometimes, I'd just make a trip to the library to... yeah, study ._.
Freaking no life, and I feel like a total nerd. No choice, but it's worth it, sacrificing my time in exchange for a good result, hopefully ;)
Had FE prelim on Friday. I don't really care, studied a little and just entered the examination hall. Total 23 pages, only did 3 pages, the rest briefly scribble a few crap and slept from 2.20pm (exam starts at 2pm) until 3pm, and I left early at 3 (we were allow to leave at 3 if we're done). Totally flunk it, hope it won't be single digit!
As for today, I had my prelim exam on EL paper 1 and History.
EL paper 1 was quite an average paper. Did a proposal for situational writing and I wrote an touching essay about a promise which I have not fulfilled.
Then, it's History. The SBQ was easy, managed to interpret most of the sources. However, it was the essay that gave me problem. Part 'a' of the essay asked questions that needed me to explain both sides, but I interpreted it wrongly and I went on to explain other factors! I bet i'll flunk part 'a' of my history essay badly, and I just hope to score for part 'b' of the essay.
It's quite a heartache for History. I've made this mistake during mid year, and I made the same mistake for prelim. I promise, I swear, I'll NOT make the same mistake again for O level... if not, i'll bash myself.
I'm gonna work hard for my SS, in order to pull up my combined humanities marks! I'll never explain other factors on essay questions that require me to explain both sides again.
All the best to everyone having prelim. We can do it, yes. ;)
♥ 8:36 PM
Day out with family! Yooo!
Went out with parents today! ;D
In the morning, went to KFC for breakfast, ate the A.M platter meal ;D Then went to a building to attend the award ceremony of my study grant! Darn, waited for one hour plus! So yup, went up to get the bursary on stage.
Then, went to vivo with my parents. Ate lunch at McDonald and bought a collar-tee at Spade! Wanted to buy a new pair of jeans, but decided not to, since nothing caught my eyes! ;(
We were a bit in a mess, cos didn't have any idea what to do. Wanted to watch movie, but there don't seem to have any nice movie at the moment, and I cant watch final destination... Its darn M18...
Then, my parent decided to eat buffet~ since I had never ate buffet in Singapore before. First thing came to our mind is, Sakura! And I know that Orchard have 1 outlet! Then, went to orchard and shopped at the ION to waste time as the Sakura only opens at 6pm for the dinner slot.
At Sakura, the food there were considered delicious! There's a mixture of Japanese, Western and Chinese food! There's like so many variety that I dont know which to choose! Thus, took a bit of each! Love the roast duck, and the dory fillet, and the sashimi, and .. and ..... and many many more!
Ate for about 1 and a half hour, taking breaks in between! I must have gained a few more kg.. But, its worth it!
Then took taxi home ;)
Pictures taken today~ *Many zilian photos! ;x*

Food taken at sakura~

Had a scrumptious dinner!
Hehe, getting late~ Bye!
♥ 12:12 AM
Night study officially begins~In preparation for O level, introducing the... NIGHT STUDY! ;D
Yup, thats one of the program that my school has to offer to us! The night study program! So from Wednesday to Friday, I attended the night study from 7pm - 9pm. Quite beneficial I must admit, and many people attended the night study, which is a good sign! ;D
So yup, did physics on wednesday, maths on thurs and revised my humanities on friday~
Totally support the idea of night study! ;)
On Friday, before the night study, Huihui, Ai jing, Yi yue, Yi wen and me went to NTU to study! Didn't really revise, but we were chatting away. ;x;x
At first we went to the food court area, then to an place near the lift, then went to a study room whereby its air conditioned. LOL! Switched so many place in a few hours.
"Study" until 5.30pm and went back to JP. Bought Tori-Q set A and bring it back to school. ;D
While studying, AJ was taking photos with my phone, and my battery went flat after that ;x Nevertheless, here are some photos! ;D

My history textbook! HITLER!!!!

Guiding Huihui along the way~

AJ and YiYue~ cuties!

da effect! ;D

Another photo of AJ and yiyue~

Yiwen and Yiyue, both looks alike hur? HAHA

Staring at the bottle, for what? LOL no idea~

Studying~ ;)
Right~ thats all! ;)
♥ 11:53 PM
New phone! LG crystal GD900!YESSS!
Finally changed my Samsung F480 phone! That phone, is already spoilt and I finally changed my phone to the latest LG crystal! It's super chic and its a beauty! The most unique thing is, the keypad is totally transparent!!!
Love and adore it! ;D
However, the 8.1 megapixel sucks tho, not even the quality of a 5 megapixel. Haha.
Here's a picture of LG crystal which I found online! ;D
♥ 11:49 PM
Tight schedule!
Have a few updates on my hand, but i'm not gonna update it now.
This is just a quick post to inform that i'll not be blogging that much, until O level is over, because the preparatory work is really tedious and with the night study, I don't really have much time!
So sorry! ;(
Good luck to those who finished their prelim or about to start their prelim!
♥ 11:58 PM