National day '09! An unforgettable experience!
A gorgeous dawn to start a beautiful day...Happy birthday Singapore!
What an experience mannnn!
Once again, I spent my National Day with the WHATs and it's ULTIMATE FUN!!!
Goshhhh! Yesterday was really an attention-seeking day... we had our face PAINTED! And we walk around marina square and the flyer with thousands of eyes staring at us! Shy? LOL! But it's darn cool! First time so many people look at us! We're darn patriotic can?!?!?! LOL!
Alright, yesterday went with Kelvin to Bugis first to do some shopping! Bought a grey button-down shirt + a black bermuda at Messy and Recoil respectively.
Then we went to City Hall and waited for Alex, Jason, Reen, Jieyi and Xinyi to arrive~
So... our first destination is the SAM (Singapore Art Museum)
SAM is soooo fun! There's like some sort of flea market, and there's sooo many people there! Since its National Day, we get to have free admission! The exhibits in there were interesting and eye-catching too!
At the back, there's like free candy floss and popcorn as well as... FACE PAINTING!
At first i'm quite reluctant to go for face painting, but since it's national day, i'm on~ And gosh man, Alex and Kelvin is super daring, they painted SG flag on their face! LOL!
After we had our face painted (followed by a series of stares by the others who were fascinated at our face painting...) we continued to explore the SAM!
Then we took bus to Marina Square and had our dinner at Xin Wang HK Cafe! Ordered black pepper chicken rice with iced macau coffee! Always loved the food at there ;D
We then decided to root ourself at the SG flyer, and we were making our way there despite the road block. Along the way, we get to see the contingent forming up as well as those tankers and army!
By the time we reached the flyer, i'm like perspiring badly! Oh mannn! My face painting gonna SMUDGE! LOL!
Indeed, 2 of my cabins on my right cheek were already gone, cos I perspire and i go and scratch it! LOL!
Yeah, watched the whole NDP performance, and Xinyi and I were like singinggggg~ and going crazy when we saw the NPCC contingent marching past! Haha!
When the last performance of the NDP was over, we russshhhhhhed to the second floor to set sight on the FIREWORKS! The fireworks this year never failed to amaze me... despite watching it for the 3rd time.
The whole NDP ended with an outburst of golden fireworks, which left everyone awe-struck. We then made our way back to marina square and suntec city, and i'm singing on the way back. LOL! Crazy me.
So yup, took the train back, and as usual... people were like staring at usssss! ;X Our face painting had really brought us to the limelight!
Reached home at around 10 pm ++
It's really an great experience man! Enjoyed myself with them and totally spent my national day in a meaningful and fun-filled way~
Bet you have been waiting for it?

Arriving at the SAM!

Don't spoil the exhibits, Alex. LOL!

What do you see?

Jieyi doing face painting on her face!

And then it's jason's turn...

Alex and me while queueing up!

The out come! Pretty eh?

Jason is soooo cute!

Alex's daring attempt.. half-done!

There he goes! Singapore's mascottttt!

Even xiao mei mei also wanna take photo with him!

Uh oh... my turn... Drawing the merlion first...

Followed by SG flyer + esplanade!


Presenting... merlion~

And the SG flyer + esplanade!

Alex and me!

Kelvin and me~

Jason and me~

The fierce SG flag. LOL!

Group photo!

On the staircase~

junk antique behind me ;D

Yo alex! What you looking at? seems so pervertic. LOL!

Getting artistic huh?

And then I cut in, what an extra. LOL!

What can you depict from this artistic photo?

The corridor!

The guys~

Take 2!

On our way to marina square...

and making our way to xin wang HK cafe.






and ME!

Walking to flyer~

The cool cool tanks!

i wanna join them!!

Copters and SG flag~~

At the ground level of flyer, watching the NDP


Saying last goodbye to the flyer before washing off

not to forget the merlion too.. I'll miss you~
But that's not all! There's like close to 300 photos...
Its all in reen's facebook! Go and check it out ;D