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I just want to smile
Yours truly.

This is Ray/Richard
Currently studying in HKSS, class 4A
Arrived at this prodigious world on 2nd May, 1993
Im a taurus
Currently single, and available.
Although faced with many adversities,
I struggled to survive all.
And I believe, if I want, I can.
I can't make you love me,
but please don't hate me.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


-L1R4 10 points, L1R5 12 points.
-Im contented at the moment ;)





^2fam Clique
Fen Fang, (Fen)^2
Hui hui, (Hui)^2
Kelvin, (vin)^2
Rebecca, (bear)^2
Serene, (rene)^2
Sherlyn(private), (lyn)^2
Sherlyn, (lyn)^2
Yi lin, (lin)^2

WHATever clique

Beloved pals
Adibah (NPAP'09)
Ai Jing
Alisa (NPAP'09)
Amanda (NPAP'09)
Azlizah (NPAP'09)
Cussie Kelvin
Helmi (NPAP'09)
Jing yuan
Khoirul (NPAP'09)
Ru cui; Esther(habbo)
Saifuddin (NPAP'09)
Shu fei
Yi Wen
Yi yin
Yi yue
Yong hao

If your link is missing, do tell me =)
Inactive links will be removed (sorry)


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New term ahead!

Hohoho! School had just started 2 days ago~ and already I'm gasping for air! Can't really get much breathing space since Monday...
New term ahead, and it sure seems to be a really busy and hectic term. Up till now, I already have quite a number of worksheets on hand to clear, maths mainly. Oh yeah, just finished the not-so-beneficial english project. -.- think i'll be scoring badly for it ;D
The next big thing will be.... THIS THURSDAY!
I believe everyone had already started to communicate in their mother tongue now, because MT oral will commerce this Thursday! Unluckily, i'll be having it in day 1, which is this Thursday. 2 more days! I swear im gonna do my very best ;D
All the best to everyone for the upcoming O level oral! ;D
New term, gonna mug/study/bury-myself-in-books/revise for the whole term. O level is round the corner, and it's the most critical time to do something that can change my future. ;D

10:28 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A poooool day~
On Friday, i'm supposed to meet karen, shao yi and their group + huihui on 9.30 am. But im late! Sososo sorry! :X
Then at around 10am, we walked to karen's house and started doing our "project". LOL! Not very productive at the end of the day. Nevermind.
Then at 12 noon, huihui and me went to westmall to wait for ai jing, who was suppose to come at 12.30, but we waited until 1pm before she arrived! So went westmall and walk around while waiting for ai jing.
When she arrives, we travelled to city hall because they supposedly wanted to buy something, but in the end, did not bought it. Starbuck for coffee (although I didn't drink, too poor) for a short while and we travelled back to bukit batok's country club. Yong hao came too! We then played pool from 3.30 pm to 5.30pm.
Kinda noob lah, we play 1 game also took so long. But yong hao claimed to be his first time playing pool, yet his skills were pretty good! Liar? I dont know. LOL!
Ai jing took some photos, so yeah I stole it from her blog and post it here ;D

Our pool table!

The cup noodle we have for our lunch~

AJ and me~

Hui and me~

Setting up for a new game!

Concentrating.... ;X

Nice position! LOL!

Yong hao's stance~

Thats about it for the pool!

Recently, had been going around a lot, viewing flats and such. So troublesome to be moving at this point of time. Plus, its my O level year. LOL!
Schools gonna start tomorrow!~ YAY! ;x;x;x
As for the holiday assignments, I still have not done the physics! Its really super tough! And for english project work, I got no intention to do it until school re-opens. Sigh.. ;X I hate project work, not productive at all.
Okay! Byebye! ;D

10:13 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Greeting, pals! ;D
Went to KTV at partyworld (clementi) yesterday, again! Wooohoo!
Met up with Kelvin at 2.30pm first to have our lunch, then we were walking around and waste time then travelled to Clementi and wait for xinyi. But we were getting a little impatient and decided to enter the ktv room first without xinyi. LOL!
So we started choosing our warm up songs and sang till xinyi come, then we have our solos turn by turn. ;D
Oh ya, I also met with a super hilarious incident.
I was about to go toilet (cos the aircon at partyworld is extremely COLD) and while in the toilet, there's this eccentric and pervert old uncle. When he pees, he totally pulled down his pants AND his underwear, showing off his butt. I was like, WTF?! Then while he pees, he keep shouting "PCC, PCC, PCC!" <<(if you know what it means, if not, then nvm. Dont wanna teach the wrong thing. LOL.)
And my jaws was like, open wide and im thinking "what's this stupid old uncle doing?"
Yet, at the same time, i'm pretty amused lah. Seldom you get to see such scene. LOL. Then when I went back, I told kelvin and he too wants to see and he went to the toilet. When he came back, he told us he saw the uncle shouting PCC too. LOL! Stupid old man.
So we sang and sang and sang until 7.30pm before leaving. Went to dinner at sumo house (after debating for the eating location) and me and kelvin went home, while xinyi went to play L4D.

Some photos taken during the ktv session~

Taken in toilet, while waiting for xinyi. LOL.

Happy Hour!

Reflection again~

Table in the ktv room!

The screen!

Artistic decoration?

Kelvin singing!

Ewww I hate my new hair ;(

Xinyi singing~

The 3 of us ;D

Another shot~

Alright, i'll go do some e-maths revision now.

12:00 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yesterday morning, went to the nearby salon to cut my hair.
It's like, I have maintained the thickness of my hair for around half a year cos I got sick of cutting my hair thin, but I don't know what's up with me yesterday...
I entered the salon and I told the person to cut my hair thin and short.
Okay, maybe because O level MT oral is coming, and I want to keep my hair tidy, but I really regretted my decision after seeing the outcome. It's horrendous, hideous and terrible. My fringe was cut darn short, my side burn were sloped, the back of my hair were sloped too, and the rest of the parts were trimmed and it becomes really short.
Now with my new hairstyle, my face look extremely fat and really idiotic.
Took some photo with my new hairstyle to show how pathetic I look... T_T

Horrible, I know. Heart breaks!!! I miss my old hairstyleeeeeeee

Anyway! One more thing, ATC and STC from 25-27 June is canceled! Please be informed of that and spread the message~
DAMN! I have look forward to the STC camp for the whole of June, and now they tell me its canceled. ;( ;( ;(

11:21 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009

This morning, received an sms from Kristabel, saying that the boys team only managed to clinch 17th position for the NPCC shooting competition. It's super disappointing, and I feel really downcast and dejected upon receiving news. Its not as if I did not predict this would happen, but I just hold on to every chance that the boys team can get into the finals, even if its the 10th position. Oh well, it's all over now and there's nothing anyone can do to change anything right now.
On a happier note, the girls team managed to get into the top 10 with a position of 7th! Congratulation!
I wish the girls team can give their very best during the finals and able to retain our champion trophy! GOOO GIRLS TEAM! ;)

9:33 PM

Hey yo!
Went for the MT oral lesson, cos our Oral exam is on 2nd July! And after this lesson, i'm really getting panicky, because it isn't as easy as it seems after all! Hope that I have benefited from this lesson ;)
When im dismissed from class, I went to westmall to buy snackers (cos im feeling hungry. LOL) and while i'm walking at the pathway in between the bus interchange and MRT station, I saw an indian guy, lying flat down on the floor, motionless. His hands and legs were kind of rotten, and he looks... really dead. Many people (including me) were strolling past him, and yet we remained oblivious to him. It was until an ang-moh which went to inform a staff from the MRT station about that indian guy. So after this incident, i'm thinking... are we really lacking of social-awareness? Are we really so selfish that we only care about our self and not the people around us? Informing a MRT staff about that guy isn't a difficult chore right? So why is it that the people walking past, and why is it even me, myself, cant be bothered to do it?
This reminds me of that time when I went to JP with kelvin and kenneth. Someone fainted, and people just crowd around and not bothering to help. It's the same thing. Am I, or rather, is the majority of Singaporean that selfish and only care about themself? Guess we really have to reflect on that, if not, Singapore is doomed with citizens like us, who don't give a damn to the society as long as we're well-fed.
And oh, i'll reflect on my own behaviour too. I dont want to grow up as an inconsiderate citizen.
It's really a shame on us...

2:51 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Went to Life's a beach concert organized by the 98.7 fm!
Okay, me and xinyi were actually very vexed, cos.. WE CANT GET PEOPLE TO GO! So we ended up only both of us + ming yang who went.
Yesterday, met xinyi at vivo at around 5.00pm and we bought the tix to Sentosa!
Walked to siloso beach and we were like, finding where's the concert held at. So it was kinda tiring... walking down the long stretch of path. So like, finally, we saw the stage. It was kind of disappointing... the crowd wasn't fascinating, the stage is very normal, the local band.. sucks ;X LOL!
So after we found the stage, we walked back again to the tram station, cos we wanted to buy slurpee at 7-11... (Hot day, and slurpee is really a MUST!)
Walked back again to the stage area (see how much walking we done? ;X) and waited for ming yang to come. When ming yang arrived, we started watching the concert. And oh, ming yang saw one of his classmate there too. Lol. So yeah, the local bands really.. not very impressive. LOL! But then, the atmosphere was pretty hyper lah, with hunks and bikini babes all over the place!
At around 7.30pm, we WALK from SILOSO BEACH to PALAWAN BEACH to eat at a cheaper food court. While we were walking to the food court... me and xinyi were laughing hysterically at someone (hehe inside joke, xinyi will know ;X). Ordered ramen at the food court, which is darn sucky. ;X then walked back from PALAWAN BEACH to SILOSO BEACH again.. -.-
By then, the sky is already dark, and there's definitely an increment in the amount of babes and hunks, and those in front were like, dancing wildly, all very hyper except those at the back (including us. LOL). And there's this Hotbod competition and its like.. -drool over the sexy babes and hunks- LOL!
We then sitted down on the sand and started to listen to this performance by the local band named AVA. No offence, they sucks. Want to act heavy metal, also fail. No vocal. ;X and the lead singer is basically jumping around like monkey! Hehe.
So played around with the sand, writing our names and such, and left sentosa at 9pm. Reached vivo, bought a drink at carls jr then bus-ed home ;)

Lets look at those picceh~

The "crowd" during late afternoon.

Booths located nearby.

Da stage!

Random shot. LOL.

Performance by a local band!

98.7 dj!

Hotbods, too bad cant see clearly ;P

The crowd at night.

Another shot.

Mingyang.. taken secretly hehe.

Xinyi, taken secretly too!

Xinyi and me. I look retarded ;X

Yang and me! Look how hot we were... as in, perspiring.

Xinyi, me and half of yang. LOL.

Its raining SAND!

RAY! with my hand print around it.

Bird-eye view ;D

Okay! Byeee ;D

8:10 PM

Once again, I apologize for not updating and not taking photos ;X This will be another entry without photos again... Oh well ;X

On thursday, actually planned to go pool with kelvin and xinyi, but due to certain reason, we went to ktv at partyworld instead! Okay, I always used to have this mindset that go to ktv must have quite a number of people to have fun, but... NO! the 3 of us enjoyed ourself a lot, and we got plenty of chances to sing ;D ;D ;D
Arranged to meet up at 3pm, but all of us were late, and we only arrived at around 4 pm. The thing is, the happy hour time slot is only until 7pm, and its 4 hours, so if we sing from 4pm, till 7, we will have a loss of 1 hour. Luckily, I went to approach them and ask them to give us extension, and they agreed! Yay~ ;X
So from the next 2 hours, we start singing and singing and after the 2 hours, I propose an idea... that is... to start singing solo! Meaning the 3 of us will sing individually and will rotate~! So yeah~ Its the first time i go to ktv and can singggg until so 'shiok'. LOL! And oh! The design and decorations of partyworld ktv is definitely 100x better than kbox! ;)
After the ktv session, went to the nearby kopitam to have our dinner. Then xinyi and her brother went to play l4d while me and kelvin went home ;)

Youth Partner chalet
On friday, I attended the prize ceremony at JJC and youth partner chalet at the chalet next to CDANS. Huihui was supposed to meet me at 8.15am for breakfast.. but oh well, she's late ;X Alright, then no choice, but luckily I happens to see nicholas and zahin and I asked them to accompany me to grab something for breakfast, and I bought a waffle! ;P
So we walked back to JJC to have the prize presentation. Im awarded the certificate of participation! Hehe! And woah! Those who have attained a min. of 50 hours will get book vouchers! And huihui even got hundred over dollars worth of book vouchers. LOL! We then have our buffet breakfast and started to chill for a while as we wait for the bus. Travelled to the chalet at CDANS.
At there, the HKSS sec 3 and JJC year 1 were separated into groups, while the facilitators (including me) were also splitted into our groups. Get to know this JJC guy who is also the facilitator of my group, and he's super friendly. Haha. So yeah, we chose the group of Security! The first activity is to make use of tape and straws so that when the sir throw the egg from a certain height, it won't crack. So after the 15 mins of thinking and wrapping the egg, all groups actually failed the task... lol! But we still got 2nd based on the conditions of the egg!
So it's lunch time at around 1pm and after the lunch, the next activity is those crime scene investigation type. That's where I got reallllyyy bored, cos there isn't really anything much to do, so i'm like, lazing away, chatting with other people, listening to my music and stuff... And some people keep pangseh me... But luckily, the JJC year 2 peeps invited me to play card with them! Yay! Had fun chatting and playing with them for about 1 hour ++. Meanwhile, the peeps were playing the C.S.I as well as thinking of how to improve on the rampant problems in their school (<< is it? i'm not really sure about this game ;X)
So after a while, our card game were interrupted by captains ball! Cos all of us were really interested and we went down to join!
It's really tiring, I have to take part in 2 teams, one is the hong kah facilitators team and the other one is my own group, Security. My group won the first match, but lost the 2nd match to the All-stars. So I pinned my hope on the Hong kah facilitators team, and we won all the matches until the final, which we were to be against the all-stars. It's like, woah! They're super good can! And there isn't a chance of us winning. In the end... we really WON! WOOHOOOO! ;) ;) ;)
Had our dinner after the tiring game, followed by prize presentation to the top 3 groups. Grats to Security for coming in 3rd! ;D And I think 2nd is Project and 1st is Community if im not wrong. Had some photo taking session and went home ;D
Quite a fun day although the afternoon is a little... boring! ;D

Okay, will blog about the Life's a beach next time! Lazy to upload those photos. LOL! Byeeeee~ gotta go for my tuition!

10:03 AM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

For the past half an hour, i've been reading my past archive.
No idea why it suddenly dawned on me to read my archive, but boredom definitely plays a part. I'm really astonished, by myself, 2 years back. I started this blog in 2007, when i'm in sec 2... and as I look back and read my posts, my reactions were like "who is this bloody irritating young boy typing the posts?" LOL!
Yeah, that person is none other than me ._.
So im browsing month by month, from year 2007, till 2008, and finally 2009.
The change really is obvious in 2008. Esp at May'08. My posts, started to have some "chim" words, although still scattered with grammatical errors, but well, a improvement from my sec 2's english. And my content, is having a lot of twists and turns too. LOL! And it seems, from May'08 onwards, the characteristic of my posts have been changing every 3-4 months. How weird is that, or maybe, you call that growing up?
As I proceed on, I started reading the sept'08 - dec'08's posts. It's strange, as I read those posts, zillions of memories started inundating and bombarding my mind. It's like the scene of those times replaying it over and over again. Oh gosh, I really miss those days.
And as it goes on to the early 09, i realised everything is changing again. The maturity, the way I speak, everything about me started to change slowly, all the way till now. Even my hairstyle and fashion sense from 08 - 09 have a large revolution.
How time flies... truly amazing... If you were to ask which of the period am I most attached to, i would definitely say the sept 08 - dec 08 period. Haha. Reason is because... -censored- Not gonna say! ;)
Feelings ups and downs now, after reading my archive. Haha! Betcha that tonight, as I lay on my bed, i'll be thinking of all the things i've done in the past. Gotta be a 'reflective' night ;D
Reminiscing, is really a cool stuff to try! ;)
Perhaps if you are bored, can try reading my archive too! Maybe you too, will realised how much I've changed, and the changes that even my friends might not have noticed ;D

Oh! I went to party world ktv and the youth partner chalet thingy today. But it's getting late now! Shall not sacrifice my sleep! I'll blog about it next time ;D
Regret not taking photos for these 2 outings. I'll try to bear in mind that i MUST take photos next time I go out alright? ;P

Byeeeeeeeee earthlings!

12:31 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tuesday: Study whole day + tuition from 2-4pm
Wednesday: Study whole day + tuition from 4-6pm
Thursday: Department briefing in the morning + pool in the afternoon!
Friday: YIA retreat thingy? No idea what is that also, just gonna attend it.
Saturday: Life's a beach @ Sentosa, anyone wanna come? ^^
Sunday: Study + tuition from 12-2pm

What a packed schedule ;D

11:27 PM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Heyyyyaaaa people!
Sorry for not blogging! I was out during these few days, and recently, I totally had not much mood to blog. But here I am again, to write about my recent activities! Hehe!
It's really really weird, I cant seem to think of what I had done for the past few days, cos I was about to blog, and I suddenly got jammed, and I was like "hey! what had I done for the past few days?" LOL! Luckily, after asking around, I finally remembered what I did, oh man! Im getting really senile!

Friday, 12 June
On friday, I met up with wendolyn, xinyi and kelvin at Clementi mrt station and we travelled to Vivo. We searched high and low for breakfast, and finally settled down at Yoshinoya! Ordered salmon w/rice! So after our breakfast, we walked around vivo, looking at clothes and such, but no one managed to buy anything. At around 1pm, wendolyn gotta go, and xinyi went off too... So it's like, me and kelvin got really bored and we travelled to Bugis to find a suitable birthday gift for huihui. Started shopping around bugis junction and then when we were about to go Bugis street, we saw a new shopping mall opposite bugis junction called Iluma. The new mall was awesome! Although many shops are not opened yet, but then I really liked the new mall. It seems like there are many nice shops that sells cool outfit! So we started exploring the mall, and we went back to bugis junction which I bought a pink button-down shirt. Then, we travelled back to clementi to meet up with xinyi and were planning to play LAN! Due to some issues, we abort the LAN session... and went to JP, which I dont know why we went there. At JP, we walked for a short while, and then proceed to kelvin's house for dinner...
What a long day.. it's like Vivo > bugis > clementi > jp > kelvin's house...
Travelled for the whole day aimlessly... LOL!

Saturday, 13 June
On Saturday, I went to JP to meet Kelvin, Francis, Kenneth and Huihui at mac for breakfast. Francis and Kenneth ate their breakfast at mac while the rest of us went to KFC to try their new A.M riser meal. I bought the platter meal, pretty good I must admit ;)
After our breakfast, kenneth went to find his gf to have breakfast with her while Kelvin prepared his surprise for someone (can I say here? better not I guess) and then he waited for her to arrive. Then he pang-seh us and went to take a walk with her. So he left me, huihui and francis... we arcade-ed for a while, and then we were really bored that we started stalking kelvin and her. LOL! So roughly about 1 hour plus, she went home and we gathered again to start wasting time while waiting for the movie to start at 1.40.
The movie : Drag me to hell!
A super duper awesome movie! I dont understand why the review of it says its sucky, but I really love the movie. Although im not really frightened off by the movie (except for one scene which caught me unprepared), but I must say its pretty horrifying for most people! I'll not gonna write a summary of the movie, cos I dont wanna be a spoiler! But what I hate about the movie is that i feel the director had sort of over-do the 'scary effect' cos its like every now and then, there are scary scenes, and the audio was so superduper loud, that I find it darn noisy. There's also a point whereby one of a girl in the cinema shouted "KNN!" cos she was frightened out by the movie, and thats when me and kelvin started laughing uncontrollably! LOL! Its like, a scary movie and we were laughing hysterically. It's really a MUST-WATCH movie to me! 4.5 stars / 5 stars!
We went for a early dinner after that, and went home ;)

Sunday, 14 June
Today, went for tuition as usual from 12 to 2, and met up with kelvin and huihui at JE. Travelled to Vivo and bought the ticket to sentosa! But what happened at sentosa really dampen my mood. When we reached palawan beach, the rest of the BVSS people were about to go back to vivo. So i'm like, wtf? we just arrived sentosa and then now we're going back to vivo. Okay fine, nvm. Xinyi was suppose to come today, but because of that, she went back to clementi to LAN. And soooo sorry uh! That im unable to come and LAN with you. Next time perhaps ;D
So yeah we went back to vivo and ate@ Long john silver. After the meal, azlizah and alisa went home, while me, kelvin, huihui, reshawn, amanda and khoirul went to play pool at bukit timah plaza. Booked 2 pool tables and started playing! Woah I sucks totally. Haha! A few rounds later, we decided to mix, so reshawn and kelvin played together while me and amanda played at the other pool table. And it's like, wtf lah! The pool table is really CURSED! Amanda and me were trying so hard, yet we can't finish 1 round, and over at the other table, kelvin and reshawn had already finished like 4 or 5 rounds -.- Luckily reshawn came and helped amanda to win. If not I dont know when will we be playing until. LOL!
Waited for bus 77 and went to west mall to buy mac. Home sweet home after that. ;)

Okay, thats about all the activites! LOL!
Gonna chiong homeworks and revision next week!

10:18 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

To complete all the holiday assignment first, then to do revision on all my weakest chapters.

2:07 PM

Getting pretty emotional lately.
Happy, sad, angry, depressed, disappointed, hyper.
Everything were jumbled up like a jigsaw puzzle.
How can I ever unravel the mystery of my own emotions? Somehow, I need to get a hang of it, and dont let myself be swaying like this. Be strong, Ray.

Went out with wendolyn, xinyi, durga and another girl whose name is called stephanie I think. Met them at JP at around evening. The highlight of the day... XINYI CUTTED BOB! Dont worry xinyi, you look fabulous in your new hairstyle! It suits you!
So yeah, then we walked around JP and they accompany me to get a bermudas at spade.
After all the shopping, we went to clementi centre for dinner. Supposed to meet another few of their friends, but then, they just went to LAN, so we heck care them and went to subway to chit chat. I ordered the value meal, which is oven toasted chicken breast! Pretty nice! Im hooked to subway!
Were like crapping at subway, and went home after that.

Today is a badminton day with kelvin, francis, wei li, shao yi, huihui, xinyi and durga! Played about 2 to 2 and a half hours of badminton at yuhua CC and went for dinner at the hawker. We then go to Kelvin's house for a chill out place. Sang some songs, chatted a little and played cards. Thats basically what we did for today!

Life's getting really boring. It seems like nothing can really perk me up. O'well, I always believed that the dark clouds will fade away as the clock ticks by. I'm gonna stay optimistic and not remain crestfallen!
I want, I can.

12:39 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tomorrow shall be the last day for all of the extra lessons.
Will be having 2 hour of English, and go home.
Darn freaking fked up with FE. Every week, im like an total idiot, sitting there doing nothing, while the rest work on their project. It's not as if I want to be idling, but it's just that, I had TOTALLY NO IDEA what the hell I should do.
I couldn't possibly asked my friends to help me, all of them have their own project to rush. The lecturers are like, damn it lah. All of them seem to be fully engaged all the time, and no one even bothered about me, even if im just staring into spaces and buiding sandcastles in the air.
So why am I going to waste my precious time going to this fk up subject call Fundamental of Electronics? Those hours spent at there are really, pointless. I might as well be staying at home revising for my other subjects or do some other meaningful stuff right? Even replenishing my sleep will be an even more meaningful thing than going to NP and doing NOTHING!
So yeah! Enough of lamenting, i'll be SKIPPING FE TMR. Who cares if its the last week to do my project. Get zero then zero lo. Do I looks like I care? -.-
Instead, i'll be meeting my friends to play badminton! Its 100x more meaningful than spending my time at ngee ann poly, at least I get to exercise and keep fit when i'm playing badminton.

Oh! The extra lessons during the June holidays will be ending, and I really do HATE that. O level is like, in around 4 months time? Somehow, I feel super insecure. I have many subjects that requires my attention, and I have to work doubly hard on every subjects. How is that even possible? In 4 months time, revising all chapters and make sure I master all the chapters. Its a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. But regardless of what, i'll be trying my best. It really make sense, holidays are the best period for me to catch up in my studies. Lets just hope that I can buck up and do PLENTY of revision for the remaining few weeks of my holiday! Shall enthusiastically complete ALL my holiday assignments as well as do extra practise through TYS, textbook and assessment book!

11:48 PM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hello people!~
Went to JP with Kelvin and Kenneth yesterday!
Met them at Mcdonald while Kenneth eat his meal, then we went to Subway for mine and kelvin's lunch. Haha.
And while at Mcdonald, we saw a rare sight. One guy suddenly fainted, and a woman was like shouting for help. Its really an irony. So many adults crowding around BUT no one approach that guy to help him, and kenneth was saying that he don't really believe that out of so many people, none knows first aid. At the very least, they should clear the area instead of snatching oxygen with the fainted guy...
So yeah, went to buy the movie tix after our meals. Oh! I just realised that GV now have this jackpot thingy. When we buy our tickets, we get to have one card, and we can go to the jackpot machine to scan the card and key in the pin number and we stand a chance to win something. Guess what we've won? Just an extra coke with every purchase of popcorn combo ._.

Movie: Monster VS Alien
Not gonna be a spoiler, but just gonna briefly say about the movie.
Its basically a movie about a girl that was gonna get married, but in the end, cos of some chemical stuff that entered her body via an UFO thingy, she became a GIANT! And she possessed major strength!
So yeah, she was captured to a place where all the monsters gathered, and she made friends with the rest of the monsters (sorry, cant remember their names). But then, the Aliens wanted to retrieve the chemicals thats in her body, so yeah, you got it, there is a fight between the monsters and the alien. Tadahh thats all ._.
Yes, a lame movie. Super lousy plot about aliens and monsters fighting. But I kinda like the visual effect despite its cartoon and the characters were pretty lame and hilarious! So that pretty much make up for the stupid plot.
Overall, 3/5 stars for me!

After the movie, I received an sms from Ming Yang, saying that he'll be going to JP too! And guess what! His going there to watch movie with his gf! We have heard him mentioning his gf before, but we had never saw her! Of course, we are not gonna let this opportunity slip off! LOL! Kelvin, kenneth and me were darn lame lah! We were like standing at different directions, waiting for ming yang's gf to approach him. But then, we never realised that his gf already saw us... After some hide-n-seek kind of thing, yeah we finally saw her. Yay! Mission accomplished ;P

Xinyi then joined us for dinner! Went to the food court at JP1. Ate the riverside indonesia cuisine, which is basically grilled fish in some sauce, rice, egg and I added veggies. Not bad! (:
After our lunch, we went window shopping and then Kenneth went home, while kelvin, xinyi and me went to kelvin's house to chit chat and sing song!~ LOL. Left at 10pm and went home (:

10:36 AM

The LMSC course on thursday and friday is finally over! GOOO squad sai kang! LOL. Yeah, kelvin, huihui, serene, kristabel and me belongs to the squad sai kang! Haha.
Well... the reason is basically because we are there to arrange chairs, carry this carry that and to facilitate a little.
The first day was quite fun. Saw a few of my NPAP mates and some friends from other schools. And this year they lucky lor! Last year, we don't even get to have activities for the first day, all we did was to sit at the harmony hall and listen to lecture for the whole day, but this time, they get to have some fun activities!
As for the second day, we were actually shocked cos the NCC stacked up our chairs and we have to re-arrange again. But luckily, the NCC helped us, if not we would have to spend a long time arranging chairs again. And oh! We skipped some lessons just for the LMSC. ;X ;X ;X
The second day was basically the same. We have plenty of time idling, except for lunch whereby we have to carry the food and boxes of water etc.
So yeah, spent the time watching they all play games or stay in the COLD control room (:
At the end of 2nd day, we stacked back all the chairs and tadahh! The end of our sai kang! LOL.
Hope that the sec 3s can learn many valuable lessons through the course and can bring the skills they have learnt back to their unit!

Some photos taken during the course!

Yeap, thats all! BYEEE!

10:17 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Woohoo! Finally done with my NPCC shooting competition for the prelims.
We were dismissed from class at around 9 and we went to gather. At that time, my mood was still, pretty steady. But when we start to board the bus and on our way to HTA, I started to get super anxious. It's like, my palms were sweating, my mood was really unstable and it's definitely nerve wrecking. Maybe the reason is because I really treat this competition seriously, and I really want to score, so im very worried that I might not be able to perform up to my own expectation.
When we arrived at HTA, we were seated in a room while we wait for our turn to shoot. That's when I decided to joke and fool around. It helps a lot, at least it eliminates the anxiety I have, and hopefully, helps to eliminate the anxiety of others too.
After a few more schools, it's finally our turn. Yeah, the stress strikes back ._.
Proceeded to the room and waited for a while.
TADAHH! Then it's our turn. My hands were like shaking lah! Yes. really shaking. When i'm loading the gun, I have difficulty inserting the bullets into the cylinder, and I realised its because both of my hands were shaking so much, that I keep dropping my bullets...
So after loading, we were on standby. The target then flip. Woah! Im so nervous that I snapped my first shot. And the bullet went out of my aim... But luckily, I got back my stability in time, and continue shooting the rest of the remaining 7 shots. We then retrieve our figure 2. Realised all my shots landed on the top right, so when we shoot for our NRA, I aimed towards bottom left, so that hopefully, it'll land on center. The NRA, when moved to 15 metres, were really darn bloody small lah! And i'm super funny can.. during our 2nd round for the NRA, I already shot 8 bullets, but I though I haven finish shooting, and im like, puzzled why there is no gun shot, so I even do the IA, then I realised I've already finished my 8 shot ._.
After all the 3 rounds, we were to queue up to tabulate our scores. Was contended with the score of 140 (highest for boys team. hehe ;X ;X ;X). The top 4 scores of the boys team was taken, and our overall score is 525.
Girls team did not bad too, total score of 490 +
Now I wonder... can we get into the finals? Our scores isnt very bad, but it isnt good either... just hope the rest of the school scores badly -evil laugh- HEHE!
Okay! Pray hard that we can get into finals~!
Oh yea~ before I sign off... just gotta say... I HATE FE!

7:28 PM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SCREW THE HOT WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:04 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hey yooo~
I've finally finish my O level chinese paper 1 and 2 today!
The O level paper was kinda okay-okay, its considered easy compared to our school's exam paper. Paper 1 was completely up to my satisfaction!
I wrote on formal letter, and for essay, I wrote about a story, which the title is actually writing about someone that did something touching to me.
Woah, I write and write, and I nearly cry ;P
I wrote about me being in a poor family, mum work in a coffee shop and dad, due to a illness, had his leg amputated, so he worked at home by you know, those part time job that actually sent you bulks of clothes, and you have to cut the strings off the clothes. So I said that at that time, MP3 is very popular, so when I reached home, I start to have a sulky face. My dad inquired about what happened, and I blamed him for being poor, thus im not able to get the mp3. I then walked into my room and banged the door. At night, im awaken by the cutting sound of a sissor and I realized that its coming from my parent's room. I overhead a conversation, which is my mum asking my dad to rest earlier, but my dad's reply is that he wanted to finish the bulk of clothes, so that he can save more money to get a mp3 for me.
Upon hearing that, tears rolled down my cheeks, and I wrote about me being guilty and all the emotional stuffs. The best part which I like, is that I actually wrote that when I look at my dad's back view, I did not see a poor and useless dad, but instead, what I saw is a noble dad, which is willing to sacrifice everything in order to give the best for his son.
I also wrote in my essay, that through this incident, it truly touched me cos I saw the love of my dad, how much he love me and how his action had speak louder than words.
I promised that in the future, I would save money if I wanted something. I then ended my essay, telling people that we should not look at the stuff we lack in life, instead, we should look at what we have, and how we should cherish it.

As for paper 2, its a little difficult... The first part (zhong he tian kong) was badly done, I think I only got 2 or 3 out of 10 correct. But the rest, I attempted it pretty confidently, hopefully can score!

And im kinda surprised, that we actually get to keep the question booklet. wee~ (:
Finally chinese paper is almost done! Left with chinese oral and listening compre!
June structured remedial starts tmr, and there is shooting prelim on wed. Jia you to me~ haha!

7:20 PM