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I just want to smile
Yours truly.

This is Ray/Richard
Currently studying in HKSS, class 4A
Arrived at this prodigious world on 2nd May, 1993
Im a taurus
Currently single, and available.
Although faced with many adversities,
I struggled to survive all.
And I believe, if I want, I can.
I can't make you love me,
but please don't hate me.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


-L1R4 10 points, L1R5 12 points.
-Im contented at the moment ;)





^2fam Clique
Fen Fang, (Fen)^2
Hui hui, (Hui)^2
Kelvin, (vin)^2
Rebecca, (bear)^2
Serene, (rene)^2
Sherlyn(private), (lyn)^2
Sherlyn, (lyn)^2
Yi lin, (lin)^2

WHATever clique

Beloved pals
Adibah (NPAP'09)
Ai Jing
Alisa (NPAP'09)
Amanda (NPAP'09)
Azlizah (NPAP'09)
Cussie Kelvin
Helmi (NPAP'09)
Jing yuan
Khoirul (NPAP'09)
Ru cui; Esther(habbo)
Saifuddin (NPAP'09)
Shu fei
Yi Wen
Yi yin
Yi yue
Yong hao

If your link is missing, do tell me =)
Inactive links will be removed (sorry)


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yo people~
Went to ECP (east coast park) on Friday with kelvin, sherlyn, huihui, serene, ming yang and adrian!
It's seriously FUN and WHACKY! Woah, I'd never ever enjoyed myself at beaches like ECP, but seriously, I have tonnes of fun on friday (:

We met up at JE interchange at 1pm, but i'm late! Sorry peeps :P Travelled alllllll the way to bedok and took bus 197, then walked all the way to ECP. Ate subway for lunch! WOW, im actually getting addicted to subway ;P
Me, ming yang, adrian and kelvin went to rent a bike while the girls rented roller blades. Hehe, ours more worth it, $6 for 3 hours! So yeah we cycle, cycle and cycle, while the girls are trying hard to roller blade ;P
So about 2 hours later, we decided to stop cycling/roller-blading and we go for a DIP in the sea! I'm actually quite reluctant to go into the water... (psssst, forgot to bring extra underwear! ;X) but o'well, I just want to have fun. Hehe, so yeah, I just heck care and -SPLASH- ;P
We also persuaded kelvin to come and join us (psst, he didnt bring extra underwear too!) so yeah, luckily he still joined in, if not we'll be blaming him for been a wet blanket ;P
We then had FUN! and we were like swimming, floating, and we even tried to interlock and float as a group, but ended up having all of us gulping down sea water ;P Its a pity sherlyn didnt join us, but nevermind, she's our camera women for the day! Haha!
Play, play and play until 6.35pm and we went to wash up + returning our bike.
Travelled back to Jurong Point, but serene and adrian didnt join us for dinner, so the rest of us went to the Lai Lai shop at JP2 to have our dinner. Ate lai lai spicy soup noodle with fish fillet and jasmine green tea! LOL and we were breaking stuffs... sherlyn accidently spilled chilli while huihui broke a glass ;P Guess we were really lethargic huh?
All of us then took bus 187 and went home (: What an euphoric day! xDxDxD

PICTURESSS (from ming yang and sherlyn's camera!)

^2fam rawks!

kelvin, yang and me!

Take 2!

kelvin, me and adrian!

yang and adrian!

Fun in the sea!

Random shots taken during dinner...





My noodle~

yang and kelvin zilian on the bus back home~

Thats about it~
OH! and jia you to myself, and everyone eles taking O level MT tmr! Lets get ready to rock n roll~

11:42 AM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today is really a day with mixed feelings.
After being in NPCC for the past 4 years, i'm now finally out of this business. I still remember... when I was sec 1, I actually joined this CCA out of impulse. I actually regretted in my sec 1 and 2 life as a NPCC cadet. I had to go through arduous trainings and get tonnes of scoldings from my NCOs and CIs. While many of our squad mates are bonded, i'm actually very 'out' in the squad. I do not have much friends, and that worsen my life in NPCC.

My sec 1 and 2 life were definitely not smooth-sailing. We had to undergo drills, camp craft (I hate this...) and scoldings. In fact, I sucks, totally. My drills were slacky, my camp craft was... i cant even tie a simple knot. And that's also the reason why I gotten my promotions pretty late and not the few outstanding ones. Basically by sec 2, I had totally lost faith in NPCC. I skip trainings every now and then, failed to attend some courses, and I skip camps such as camp LEO and ATC. I'm even prepared to, dump this bloody CCA.

But I regained my interest in this CCA when I was in sec 3. That was when I started making friends with my squad mates, and that was when I got so hyped up and upbeat about this CCA. The main motivation (i'll be truthful), is that I get to be a NCO, someone who people will regard me as a leader, as a officer. And another motivation is that, I realised that I want to get a distinction in CCA, since it'll serve some purpose in deducting some points off my O level score. However, throughout the 10 weeks having intensive NCO course, I did not have such thoughts anymore. I started to like this CCA sinerely, and it had totally disciplined me, as well as making me into a more responsible cadet, since I know that after the end of the NCO course, I'll officially be a NCO, and I have to be a role model to my junior.

My sec 3 life, is also the only year whereby I did not skip any trainings or courses (except NCO camp, cos I had valid reasons). I attended training weekly, and I actually LOOK forward to all trainings. I went for my survival camp, PK and HFS course and was even in the shooting team, even though I did not took part in the competition. At the end of the year, we had a camp LEO (annual camp) and it's actually my first time attending, since I skipped my sec 1 and 2 annual camp. And worse, I had to prepare for campfire!~ It was an once in a life time experience, soaking firewood and preparing for the campfire. Tiring, but yet, meaningful when I see the structure that I had helped to set up lighted up in flames. I'm also required to feed the fire during the campfire, while the others were enjoying the performance. But yeah, it's again, something I had never tried before.

During November, I had actually went to Hong Kong with NPCC. It was the first time I go oversea without my parents, and it's definitely awesome. It's not only the fact i get to visit places in which I did not went before, but it's also that throughout the few days' trip, I had really strengthen the friendship with many people, especially serene, huihui, kelvin, rebecca, ming yang, jocelyn and many many more. It's a trip that makes me realised the importance of friendship, and that was what makes me more etched to NPCC. Besides that, when we come back, we had fancy drills trainings for the CCA open house. Although having disputes, I still enjoyed the times we had together, planning and creating moves and practising as a squad. I must say, our performance was indeed cool! (:

This year, my last few months in NPCC, I definitely grabbed hold of any chance to do something for this unit, since I've been pretty much a parasite throughout the first 2 years. I took care of the sec 2 as a sec 2 NCO, and its the only time whereby I got really furious with them for not performing up to standard. But hey! This shows that I actually CARE for them, if not, the me in the past would not have even bother to scold and scream at them. Another significant turning point of my life would be attending the NPCC annual parade (NPAP). The 3 months of tough training as a Gold Unit Flag Party in HTA was exhausting and energy-draining. However, it's definitely a major parade. Although it's tough, I looked forward to every friday's training at the HTA. Being the gold unit, we actually get to wear our No.1 uniform. Its, fascinating! On the actual parade, no words could actually describe the pride I felt when I marched out with my school's flag. It's an absolute stunning experience.

Now, I had passed out. The unit is in the sec 3's hand. But oh well, I wished they all can handle the unit well, and bring another gold to HKSS'NPCC.
I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to...
(1) Teacher officers. Thanks for holding up the unit, and organizing the unit well.

(2) Cadet Inspectors. The CIs had scolded us, had reprimanded us and had even bring down my morale. But still, I know its all for our own good and I definitely appreciate the times we spent together

(3)The SIs (Nicholas and Kristabel) Thanks for being such a wonderful SI. You 2 are truly someone who had brough HKSS NPCC to a greater height. You two are the most competent SIs ever!

(4)Friends in NPCC, including Nicholas, Kristabel, Hui hui, Serene, Kelvin and the rest of sec 4 squad mates. You people are the one that kept me going on in NPCC. Thank you people! <33 lovesloves

(5) The sec 3s. You guys had gone through our trainings, and now you all had all grown up (hehe, i sounded old). You all had officially took over the unit, and I wished you all the best in running the unit. Dont let it fall alright? Sustain our gold. You all can do it, if you all wants to do it.

(6) To all juniors in sec 1 and 2. Keep going! Even if you faced adversity in NPCC, do not ever give up! And thanks for being such wonderful cadets, I enjoyed my time with you all!

You guys makes my life as a NPCC cadet very, very meaningful. The only regret I have, is unable to get the NPCC SPF badge, but oh well, i have no one to blame except myself, so i'm actually very contended to be a Staff Sergeant, and I'll definitely missed the times and days I've spent in NPCC...
Indeed, a day with mixed feelings... From someone whom regretted joining NPCC, to someone who is actually... etched and adored NPCC. It's really awesome.

Lastly, I got to say, NPCC RAWKS MY LIFE!

Photos taken from cheryl mdm's camera! (there are tonnes of photos, so im gonna just post around 16 photos.)

Gathering for the ROD! Unit photo (:

Nicholas being asked out to play some games, and his gonna imitate what syafiq do!

Another photo of the unit!

Sitting in the front row. Haha!

Another shot, what are we looking?

Nicholas doing pole dance!

and his shy...

Performing his piano skills!

Kelvin and me being sabotaged... to sing while nicholas play his piano ._.

Trying hard to find reasons so that we dont have to sing...

Nicholas playing the piano, while we testing out our melody. Hehe

Photo taken after singing!

Getting back to our seats...

Best sec 3 NCO award. LOL!

Sec 4 group photo! Showing off our rank.

Take 2!

Thats all for the photos!

10:35 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hey people~!~!
Attended the Mediaclub thingy with syafiqah, amani, thendral, sharmin, jayne and khairul! It was, ULTIMATE FUN! Enjoyed myself soooo much! Thanks syafiqah for inviting me to go for that workshop (:

Yesterday, woke up at 6am (soooo early...) and met amani and syafiqah at JE interchange around 7am. Travelled to Douby Gaut(IDK the spelling. LOL) and finally found our way to the YMCA building. Oh yeah, and our breakfast was... refrigerator food in 7-11 and we heated it up. It taste horrible. ;P
So yeah, went to register at around 7.30am and the whole group of us were been interviewed, we were like, so hyper can!! LOL!

The whole thing start at 9am whereby there is a program briefing and introduction of all the mentors. We were also split into our groups, and i'm in group D, together with syafiqah, jayne and sharmin! Woohoo! Also got to know this girl call Lisa, super talented and have great linguistic skills!
Our mentor for group D is none other than... Guillame Pagnoux! Yeah his a hot guy from France (photos of him below~) that makes every girl go crazy! LOL! My mentor rockssss ;P

Next, we were given some time to get to know one another as well as our mentor.
After our tea break, we had the break out session 1, whereby we spent around 1 hour and 50 mins with our mentor, learning different skills such as interviewing and such, and we even get to treat our mentor as the interviewee and interview him!
Lunch is next! And there is delicious buffet waiting for us! Woohoo~

1 person from each group will be selected to attend the "press conference" whereby they need to interview one of the mentor, and the mentor will be someone that is not from your group. It was a job well done, all 4 representative from each group did a marvelous job in interviewing!

So we had our next activity after the press conference, and this is where we had the most fun throughout the whole workshop! We were once again broken up into different groups, 1,2,3 or 4. And I happens to be in group 4 with Khairul as well as 3 other girls! This game is to actually plan and act out a show that is related to the theme that is given to the groups, and every group will get a different theme!
Our theme happens to be The Game Show! After some discussion, we decided to host a Singapore also got talent, lah! LOL Its about a talent show in a very local way! So I took up the role as the contestant 2! There's also contestant 1, show host and 2 judges (: The concept of our skit is that the contestants will go through 2 rounds, singing and longest breath competition. However, contestant 1 will sings horribly and contestant 2 will be the better one, and 1 of the judge actually likes contestant 1! So its quite an irony, and the judges actually have some disputes among them. It's an extremely funny skit! Haha *self-praise*
So we had a few trial run and everything seems to be going pretty well (:

At 4pm, it's our SHOW TIME! And unluckily/luckily we were the first to go! So yeah, everything went pretty smoothly, except the fact that I went super out of tune as I sang i'm yours. LOL cos it's nervous. But yeah, nevermind, the rest went accordingly to our planning, so I must say that everyone did a fabulous job!
Not only us, all the 4 groups were absolutely STUNNING! We have people doing show on news presenting, and they had the plot of reporting a news on mashmellows that cause people to diminish. There's also a group doing music show, and woahhhh syafiqah is darn cute can, and funny! Cos she used the guitar cover's zip as the instrument and not the guitar! Its, hilarious! Group 3's performance was... no words can describe. It's original, creative, fantastic, SUPER FUNNY, slutty and.. a perfect girls' gossip talkshow.
So yeah, everyone really did a wonderful job!

Then its time to reveal our resultsssss! And the winning team goes to... group 3!!! Yeah! They deserved it! Best part of it was that they get to have a 7 months contract which they will receive trainings! And congrats to rest of my friends who won some award too! You peeps are GREAT!

Overall, this is a superb event, DIEDIE must go! Extremely fun and worth it! Yeah, and we all definitely have lots of FUN throughout~

Photos time~

The rising sun~ Mark of a fun day ahead!

Me with mentor Tim wade~

Me with mentor Guillame!

Me with mentor Ram!

Group photo of group 4~

Another shot! You peeps rocks!

Group photo of HKSS peeps with mentors~

Another shot! And whats with khai's hand. LOL

Now mentor tim wade joins in!

Photo with mentor Hidayat!

Fyy, dont cut my faceeee ;(

Media kit (:

Cert of participation! And, they spelled my name as Ricahrd. LOL!

After the whole thing, went to vivo to meet up with HS peeps for dinner. So sorry I can join them at sentosa! But still, hope you guys have fun! So yeah, meet reen and jason first, and we were on a cafe while waiting for the rest to arrive. When jieyi, murphi, cherie, beiling, wafra and ygt (did i miss anyone?) arrived, we went to pastamania for dinner (except reen didnt come for dinner, dunno where she and murphi went). Ate teriwasa tori, and we all got a 30% discount, cos jason's cousin is working there, and so we can get staff discount (: Sent wafra to MRT station after dinner and we went to rooftop to cut the cake for HS birthday~
It was already pretty late after that, and we all went home (: Thanks jieyi, beiling and murphi, cos they accompany us and took the long way home. haha! (:
Home sweet home (:
All photos are at murphi's camera... so yeah, I cant post yet since she haven upload, i'll update you guys after she uploaded!
But still, there are pictures of the cake (:

Delicious looking cake!

Its lighted up~

Xiaozhu and me~

me and my tired face.. ;P

Beiling and YGT!

Cherie and Jason!

Another shot of them!

Group photo 1!

Group photo 2!

Okayy going for tuition soon! Bye~

9:55 AM