Had an marvelous, fantastic and fabulous annual parade yesterday!
But then, I did not have any photos with me, cos I left my phone in my bag and I couldn't take photos... I'll try to get photos from my friends and post them here =)
Yesterday, I reached school at around 11.30. Went to buy some snacks while we wait for the bus to HTA to come. Dressed up in our half no.1 and went to HTA.
We were asked to go to classrooms to put down our bags and uniforms while getting ready for the annual parade. Im darn fed up lah! We were supposed to go to the girls' lecture room to get our flags, but when I enter, the mdm scolded me, saying guys not allowed. So lame ~_~ Then the other 2 CI gave me different instruction. One asked me to get all the flags out, while the other asked me to take mine and go. Of course, I followed my contingent de CI's instruction and the other CI asked me to get lost since I gotten my flag. Like, WTF?! -.-
So we went to the classroom at level 1 and settled down. Its, cool. Air conditioned. LOL!
We then went for 1 round of trial run. The trial run boosted my confidence, cos not much serious mistakes were made. Yay~ But then, after that, my boots had been burnt... Wasted my effort of polishing...
Went for our lunch break and during lunch break, one extra CI said my hair were very long, and told me that he'll inform my CI about it.. WTH? Luckily he never get me to be replaced. =P We then marched back to classroom and changed to our full no.1. We were also donned with our guard-of-honor badge. COOL!!! ^^
By the time, everyone was started to feel the tension, cos our time to march out for the actual annual parade was approaching. As we went back to the drill shed, we were making full use of our time to practise our flag drill. I'm darn panicky, cos my button keep dropping out! Darn! =( I also very kiasu lah, put double-sided tape behind my flag stash and also 2 safety pin to secure it, so that it won't move. =P
Finally, the time that all of us had been waiting for had arrived. We moved quickly to our form up point after the supporting contingent have marched out. This is it! Our actual annual parade. And we all gave each other one last round of encouragement as we form up at the form up point in our rusok position.
We then marched out. Its soooooo cool! So many people at the front and sides! LOL!
So the parade proceed. With the VIPs, commissioner of police, reviewing officer, bla bla bla came in. I had made some minor mistakes, such as slow in rusok. But i suppose its okay lah, no major mistakes. At the point whereby the reviewing officer is giving his speech and presenting the medals to 47 gold units, I'm feeling really faint... Had the urge to squat down and fall out, but I had to endure, couldn't afford to waste all my months of effort and training... And I succeed =)
The GOH boys had about 4 people falling out =P Luckily our gold unit flag party had no one falling out =)
We then had our march past, and even our 37 steps were done beautifully. -clap clap-!
After the whole parade, we were super elated and emotional, with everyone congratulating each other and snapping photos! We went out to find our HKSS squad mates and took photos. Everyone was so high! HAHA!
At around 7.50, we proceed to harmony hall for buffet! The food was nice, but then, didn't eat much =P
Had our debrief with our CIs, and we were practically crazy, squeezing Farith sir. LOL! Went back to our classroom and changed out to my school uniform. When we went down, just realised that we were very very late and everyone was waiting for us =X
Reached HKSS at 9 ++ and we continue taking photos with the area 18 bus mates and x-changing phone number!
Reached home at 10pm. LOL.
Months of training... Since feb till now, around 12 or 13 trainings. We (Gold unit flag party) had endured together, train together and suffer together. I'll really miss you guys. All I can say is, we had really put up a good show yesterday, and all our effort were not wasted. Gold unit party flag, YOU GUYS ROCKS!
I'll be trying to get your contact! Hehe.
Area 18 bus mates, although we didnt interact much (only until towards the last 2 trainings...), but still, you guys rocks! Woohoo!!!!!
I'll miss all of you all!~
I'll miss going to HTA weekly, training together
I'll miss our laughter.
I'll miss chatting with you all.
I'll miss.. everything that we do together!
Lastly... NPAP'09 RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't have any pic with me now, i'll update them when I got them!
Bye~ Stay in contact yeah? ^^
Picturessss (Gosh I LOOK DARN FAT IN ALL THE PHOTOS!!!! Must be the beret =X)

me and kelvin!

Parade =)

Another shot~

Gold unit flag party!


kelvin n huihui!

me and hui~

me and rene~

kelvin n rene~

Rene n hui~

kristabel, serene, amani and sherlyn~

Mrs tan and rene~

vin, serene, nicholas, hui and me!

same people as the previous pic =X

vin, huan, me and rene~