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I just want to smile
Yours truly.

This is Ray/Richard
Currently studying in HKSS, class 4A
Arrived at this prodigious world on 2nd May, 1993
Im a taurus
Currently single, and available.
Although faced with many adversities,
I struggled to survive all.
And I believe, if I want, I can.
I can't make you love me,
but please don't hate me.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


-L1R4 10 points, L1R5 12 points.
-Im contented at the moment ;)





^2fam Clique
Fen Fang, (Fen)^2
Hui hui, (Hui)^2
Kelvin, (vin)^2
Rebecca, (bear)^2
Serene, (rene)^2
Sherlyn(private), (lyn)^2
Sherlyn, (lyn)^2
Yi lin, (lin)^2

WHATever clique

Beloved pals
Adibah (NPAP'09)
Ai Jing
Alisa (NPAP'09)
Amanda (NPAP'09)
Azlizah (NPAP'09)
Cussie Kelvin
Helmi (NPAP'09)
Jing yuan
Khoirul (NPAP'09)
Ru cui; Esther(habbo)
Saifuddin (NPAP'09)
Shu fei
Yi Wen
Yi yin
Yi yue
Yong hao

If your link is missing, do tell me =)
Inactive links will be removed (sorry)


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today is most likely the last proper lesson 4A have with our beautiful Mrs Caroline Lee. She'll be going over to nan hua high ;(
I remember, when we were sec 1... she taught us history for the one semester. And the whole of class 1C were terrified of her, cos she is like.. very fierce! If we dont do her work, we would be required to copy a chapter! And she's ferocious when scolding us too!
Last year, when I heard that she's gonna teach us for SS, Im like.. Oh shyt..
LOL! But it turns out that, she's not fierce at all! In fact, she's one of the nicest teacher i've met in HKSS!
And 4A is darn cute today lah!
Before our SS lesson, some of them went to get the cake, and we all off the lights while waiting for Mrs Lee's arrival. The moment she stepped into the class, we expressed our love and gratitude to her by singing the edited version of "Somewhere over the rainbow" specially dedicated to her.
And BOO! she did not cry. LOL. I expected her to burst into tears, but dont have.. she said she swallowed all her tears... ;X
But I hope she's touched by our kind gesture (:
And oh! 4A have a pleasant surprise for me too! I thought not much people will remember my birthday.. but they remembered this year! (after not remembering for the past 3 years... ;X)
Thanks 4A!!!
I had the honor to cut the cake with Mrs Lee. So exhilarated! LOL!
Yeah, so I bet all of 4A will misssssss mrs caroline lee deeply!
I wish you all the best in your career at Nanhua high!

Gotten back my chinese paper 1. Results were very very devastating...
Formal letter writing: 14/20
Essay: 31/50
Total: 45/70..
Super fed up with my stupidity..

And my birthday will be coming this sat! YAY!
Lets see if ^2fam and WHATever clique will jio me out or not.. LOl jk ;D
Right, i better go do some revision first! Goodbye~ and lets all work hard for our MYE! ;D

4:12 PM

YO friends!
Had my Fundamental of electronics mid year exam yesterday at ngee ann poly.
The exam hall is pretty spacious! Imagine, both sec 3s and 4s from 3 schools together in the same hall. LOL. Amazing huh?
And the aircon is cooolllddd =X
The exam starts at 2.00, and I finished at 2.45. Don't think because its easy, but it's because i cant do much of the questions =P
Had 2 sections, section A and B. Section A is short answered question, and I anyhow answered all the questions. Section is those essay questions, which is divided into many parts, total 3 qn in section B, each question 20 marks. I literally throw away all the 60 marks, cos majority I leave it blank, or just anyhow fill in any value.
Prepared to fail badly!
LOL so shiok, do nothing from 2.45 - 4 while the rest are busy calculating their ans =P
Nevermind, i'm already very prepared to fail FE, heck care ler! I detest FE! BOO!

4:07 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

I hate myself so much. Why couldn't I manage my time properly? Why couldn't I handle my stress meticulously? Im such a freaking failure!!!!
Had my english paper 1 today.
It sucks to the fcuking core.
We were required to do a speech for our situational writing. I spent like 1 hour on it!!! And yet, i dont think I did a good job on my speech. Most probably, it'll be full of grammar and tense error... =(
I only left with 45 mins to do my essay, and I freaking do the topic of Humility.
I had freaking written the wrong thing! FAILED!

And then, its history. History was a total rush, source based question was very very tough, and i spent a long time on it. Then i had to rush my essay. Only left with 10 mins for my last history essay question. -.- Do not have high expectation on history now..

What is wrong with me? I really do not know. I need to be focus now..
Super fcuked up now.

7:38 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Had my first paper of my MYE today.
It sucks to the core.
Chinese paper 1 first. I did a formal letter writing, to request for donations. It was pretty okay, but my letter is a little too short.
As for compo, I wrote about my opinions and views on students going oversea for learning journey... And its the first time I felt super upset over it, cos I produced a low-standard essay. I bet i'm gonna fail my essay badly.
Had a short break after that, didnt eat, totally no mood and appetite. Paper 1 had made me so depressed.
Paper 2 was worse!!!!!
Many words I dont understand, and had to guess the answer. The chi compre was.. yucks, esp the one about chocolate. Got no time to do, and had to rush through the last 4 questions.
Listening compre... I dont even have mood to do that anymore, so anyhow did the exam.
Skipped FE remedial after that, was feeling faint and sick...

Im sooo gonna score badly for my mid year for chinese.. Haiss..
Nevermind, now I need to focus on my upcoming exam, next monday. El paper 1 and history.
Jia you to all my friends too (:
Signing off~ Bye!

3:42 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello (:
Mid year exam is coming reallll soon!
Im not even prepared yet ;(
So looking forward with my study group, with many new people joining us this time ;D
Will be fun! LOL.
First session: this thursday at jurong east library~
Lets hope that it will be a beneficial and meaningful study session~
And yeah, peeps, take care oh! Dont fall sick during exam period =)

10:19 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Had an marvelous, fantastic and fabulous annual parade yesterday!
But then, I did not have any photos with me, cos I left my phone in my bag and I couldn't take photos... I'll try to get photos from my friends and post them here =)

Yesterday, I reached school at around 11.30. Went to buy some snacks while we wait for the bus to HTA to come. Dressed up in our half no.1 and went to HTA.
We were asked to go to classrooms to put down our bags and uniforms while getting ready for the annual parade. Im darn fed up lah! We were supposed to go to the girls' lecture room to get our flags, but when I enter, the mdm scolded me, saying guys not allowed. So lame ~_~ Then the other 2 CI gave me different instruction. One asked me to get all the flags out, while the other asked me to take mine and go. Of course, I followed my contingent de CI's instruction and the other CI asked me to get lost since I gotten my flag. Like, WTF?! -.-
So we went to the classroom at level 1 and settled down. Its, cool. Air conditioned. LOL!
We then went for 1 round of trial run. The trial run boosted my confidence, cos not much serious mistakes were made. Yay~ But then, after that, my boots had been burnt... Wasted my effort of polishing...
Went for our lunch break and during lunch break, one extra CI said my hair were very long, and told me that he'll inform my CI about it.. WTH? Luckily he never get me to be replaced. =P We then marched back to classroom and changed to our full no.1. We were also donned with our guard-of-honor badge. COOL!!! ^^
By the time, everyone was started to feel the tension, cos our time to march out for the actual annual parade was approaching. As we went back to the drill shed, we were making full use of our time to practise our flag drill. I'm darn panicky, cos my button keep dropping out! Darn! =( I also very kiasu lah, put double-sided tape behind my flag stash and also 2 safety pin to secure it, so that it won't move. =P

Finally, the time that all of us had been waiting for had arrived. We moved quickly to our form up point after the supporting contingent have marched out. This is it! Our actual annual parade. And we all gave each other one last round of encouragement as we form up at the form up point in our rusok position.
We then marched out. Its soooooo cool! So many people at the front and sides! LOL!
So the parade proceed. With the VIPs, commissioner of police, reviewing officer, bla bla bla came in. I had made some minor mistakes, such as slow in rusok. But i suppose its okay lah, no major mistakes. At the point whereby the reviewing officer is giving his speech and presenting the medals to 47 gold units, I'm feeling really faint... Had the urge to squat down and fall out, but I had to endure, couldn't afford to waste all my months of effort and training... And I succeed =)
The GOH boys had about 4 people falling out =P Luckily our gold unit flag party had no one falling out =)
We then had our march past, and even our 37 steps were done beautifully. -clap clap-!

After the whole parade, we were super elated and emotional, with everyone congratulating each other and snapping photos! We went out to find our HKSS squad mates and took photos. Everyone was so high! HAHA!
At around 7.50, we proceed to harmony hall for buffet! The food was nice, but then, didn't eat much =P
Had our debrief with our CIs, and we were practically crazy, squeezing Farith sir. LOL! Went back to our classroom and changed out to my school uniform. When we went down, just realised that we were very very late and everyone was waiting for us =X
Reached HKSS at 9 ++ and we continue taking photos with the area 18 bus mates and x-changing phone number!
Reached home at 10pm. LOL.

Months of training... Since feb till now, around 12 or 13 trainings. We (Gold unit flag party) had endured together, train together and suffer together. I'll really miss you guys. All I can say is, we had really put up a good show yesterday, and all our effort were not wasted. Gold unit party flag, YOU GUYS ROCKS!
I'll be trying to get your contact! Hehe.
Area 18 bus mates, although we didnt interact much (only until towards the last 2 trainings...), but still, you guys rocks! Woohoo!!!!!
I'll miss all of you all!~
I'll miss going to HTA weekly, training together
I'll miss our laughter.
I'll miss chatting with you all.
I'll miss.. everything that we do together!
Lastly... NPAP'09 RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't have any pic with me now, i'll update them when I got them!
Bye~ Stay in contact yeah? ^^

Picturessss (Gosh I LOOK DARN FAT IN ALL THE PHOTOS!!!! Must be the beret =X)

me and kelvin!

Parade =)

Another shot~

Gold unit flag party!


kelvin n huihui!

me and hui~

me and rene~

kelvin n rene~

Rene n hui~

kristabel, serene, amani and sherlyn~

Mrs tan and rene~

vin, serene, nicholas, hui and me!

same people as the previous pic =X

vin, huan, me and rene~

11:45 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hello pals!
Oh man, im sick.. AGAIN!!!
I'm so weak recently, getting sick every now and then.
Have flu + cough now. Felt so miserable =(
Had e-maths test today, and was super t00t, keep sniffing and coughing and couldn't concentrate with my test. Sure to fail it! ;(
Was busy recently, reaching home soo late at night. Had NPAP training on wed. Darn, my cough cause me to not be able to concentrate. Was holding back my cough during rehearsal, and made used of the chance when the music is playing to cough a little... Felt like fainting!
Had NPCC training today. Took sec 2 for promotion test. LOL the 3 people I took all passed the drill test =X I'm too good uh! Went to west mall after that with my friends, for dinner, as well as buy some stuff for npap on sat.
Gonna had npap training tomorrow, while the actual parade will be on this sat!!!
Please, let me recover from my flu and cough ASAP! I can't afford to be sick! T_T
Popped down 2 pills of panadol cold relief, hope that it will be cured soon. =)
Take care peeps~ gonna do homework and polish boots later.
Night night~

9:57 PM

Monday, April 13, 2009

10 "Are yous "
- Single : Yup, want date me? ^_*
- Happy : Definitely no.
- Bored : Extremely bored...
- Fair : Not really =X
- Italian : No!
- Intelligent : If I am, i wont be in HKSS
-Honest : Depends ;D
- Nice : Well.. my jokes are, jokes. If you dont take it seriously, i'm nice.
- Irish : Nooo
- Asia : You've got it!

10 facts
-Full Name : Tey Wee Cheak Richard
-Nickname : Ray, stingray,ahray, rayray, xiaoray.. anymore?
-Birthplace : KK hospital!
-Hair colour : black
-Natural hair style : You can see it yourself ;X
Eye colour : Somehow, black.
-Birthday : 2nd May!
-Mood : Down, low, stressed.
- Favourite Colour : Black, white, dark blue, orange, grey, brown, purple!
- one place you'd like to visit : France! *romantic*

10 things about my love life
-Have you ever been in love - What do you think?
-Do you believe in love at first sight - Its the lamest thing ever.
-Do you currently hav a crush - Maybe I have, maybe I don't.
-Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Who doesn't?
-Have you ever broken someone's heart - Yesyesyes!
-Have you ever had your heart broken - But my heart mend itself quickly!
-Have you ever liked someone without telling them - Yeah... coward =(
-Are you afraid of commitment - Yes. Its difficult, sadly.
Who was the last person you hugged - Can't remember.
Who was the last person you said ily to - That's ages ago =P

10 This Or Thats
-Love or lost - Love
-Hard liquor or beer -Hard liquor
-Cat or dog - Golden retriver!
-A few best friends or alot of regular friends - Few best friends!
-Creamy or crunchy - Creamy.
-Pencil or pen - I hate pencil, pen rocks <3
-Wild night out or romantic night out - Wild night out is cool.
-Money or happiness - Money can't buy happiness. Happiness will be my choice,
-Night or Day - Day.
-IM or phone - Phone ia my life!

10 'HaveYouEvers'
-Been caught sneaking out - No, im a good boy.
-Seen a polar bear - Duh! On tv.
-Done something you regret - many times, I make wrong decisions.
Bungee jumped - No *chicken out* JK. LOL
-Ate food that fell on the floor - Can't remember.
-Finish entire jawbreaker - No.
Been caught naked - Why? you wanna see? LOL
Wanted an ex gf/bf back - No, hao ma bu chi hui tou cao!
Cried because you lost a pet - No
Wanted to disappear - I wish to have the harry potter's invisible cloak.

10 preferences in a partner.
-Eyes or smile - Electrifying eyes.
-Light or dark hair - Dark hair =)
-Kisses or hugs - Hugg!
-Shorter or taller - shorter, duh!
-Intelligent or attraction - Attraction =)
-Topman or Zara - Zara!
-Funny or serious - Its good to have a balance among these 2 factors.
-Older or Younger - younger~
-Outgoing or quiet - More towards quiet!
-Sweet or Bad - Sweet, like lollipop!

10 'HaveYous'
-performed in front of a large crowd - Yeah
-ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Waste phone bill! hehe
-ever walked on hands - I'll break my hands.
-ever been to a rock concert - Dont want to.
-ever been in a cheerleading team - That's so not me~
ever been in a dance team - No, but wished to
ever been in a sports team - Yeah~
-ever been in a drama play/production - I hope I am =)
-ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bently - Next time, yes.
-ever been in a rap video - Nah~

10 'Lasts'
-last phone call you made - My mum?
-Last person you hugged - I dont hug people, they hug me. LOL jk, I forget the last person i hugged. LOL
-last person you hung out with - Family and ^2fam people.
-last time you worked - never!
-last person you talked to - My mum.
-last person you IM'd - Xinyi
-last person you texted - Xue lin
-last person you went to a movie with - ^2FAM + francis.
-last person/thing you missed - Her!
-last website visited - I need to be on blogger to post this =)

10 Do this ppl!
-anyone x10. =)

Done! LOL i lazy to update on the west coast trip.. maybe tmr when I get the photos!

7:27 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yesterday was pretty boring huh...
Stayed at home from morning till evening. was quite vexed lah, cos wanna go out with ^2fam people, but yet, there isn't really a suitable timing..
O'Well.. Nevermind, in the end, went to watch Handsome Suite at Westmall.
Met yang first at westmall and yilin came later. Was quite.. weird luh, cos she came and need to be gome by 7.30pm -.-
So yeah, kelvin and francis came at around 6.25pm and we bought our tickets and went to KFC.
Im so clumsy, and toppled kelvin's drink. X_X So re-pay him with my drinks when I bought this $5.50 value box. But before we get to eat, its already 7!!! So we rushed to the cinema and I smuggled my KFC in. YAY! LOL.

Da movie Handsome Suite! (Warning, spoiler =X)
The movie is fantastic! Although the plot can be guessed easily, but yet, I find the movie to be meaningful =)
The movie started with a very ugly, short, fat guy named Takuro whom is the boss of a diner. Overall, he looks pretty disgusting =P So his shop is hiring a worker, and there is this cute lady whom came for the interview and was accepted since she's kind hearted and don't mind the look of Takuro.
But when he confessed to the lady, she asked him some weird questions and ran off. So he think that she's disgusted by his looks and was feeling down. As he wanted to buy a suite for his friend's wedding, he happens to drop by this shop and the boss of that suite shop wanted him to try out their latest product, which is the handsome suite! Upon wearing it, he turns incredibly handsome! But there is this disadvantage, which is that the suite cant be in contact with hot water, if not his true self will be revealed as the suite will be spoilt. He also given a new identity and his no longer called Takuro, but his re-named Anin (if im not wrong). So girls flock to him when he walks on the street and he was eventually been chosen to be a model by a boss of a famous model company. He decided to go for it and given his handsome looks, he became a model and was very famous. He also get to know another famous model called Raika (I remembered her, cos she's hottt). She's known to be very cool and seldom smile, but Anin managed to made her laugh. Hence, she fell in love with Anin, without realising that Anin is actually a very ugly person.
Meanwhile, Anin still have to become Takuro when his not working as a model, cos he still have his shop and family over there. So this girl, named Matoe (i think) whom is equally ugly, came for the interview and was selected to work in Takuro's shop.
So yeah, Takuro have his happy moments with Matoe too, but he was also too indulge into being handsome and being Anin. There are a few incident whereby his suite got into contact with hot water and was spoilt, thus his true self is revealed. So he went back to the shop and wanted an suite which won't be destroyed by hot water. However, there is a price to pay. If he wanted a "full version" of handsome suite, when he wear it, he could'nt take it off again. So he brought home the suite and was in a dilemma. But he still chose to wear it and lead the life as Anin. However, during a fashion show in tokyo, he was notified that Matoe had landed to a hospital and that's when he realized that he don't need to be handsome to be happy, and was regretted that he made the wrong decision. However, when the boss of the model company was having a fight with him, he accidently pressed on his wrist and the wrist band (made by matoe to Takuro) which have sound chip suddenly started to play a song. Hence, he took a penknife and slit himself at the wrist. Immediately, the suite is destroy and his back to his Takuro identity!
The movie ended with Takuro sitting with Matoe at the bench, and surprisingly (not really, many ppl predicted it.. =P) Matoe took off her suite and she is that cute girl whom work at the shop earlier! She is wearing the Off-suite which made her ugly! So yup, they lived happily ever after. LOL
The movie pretty much reflects on human's nature. People still somehow, goes by looks when they first know you, just like Takuro, everyone was disgusted by his looks and even maligned him to be a molester...

Answer to kelvin's question (if there is this suite, would I put it on?)
Yes, I would. I find that, happiness is to be created by myself and if there is this suite which would turn the ugly me to a handsome person, why not? I would have explain to my parents and would chose to lead a happy life, instead of a life of a ugly person, with the world all against you and people being biased due to your looks... Although I might be like wearing a mask, that covers my true self, but it's for my own good, and it's for the benefit of my self. =) Happiness, is to be moulded by our own hands...

After the movie, yang and kelvin have to go home, so yeah, home sweet home =)
Was bored and started to zilian at home.
WARNING! The following images might not be suitable for all audience.

Bye bye~!

10:43 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Woah! Yesterday was indeed a super duper tiring day!!!
Woke up at 6.25am and went to school. LOL reached there and school gate not open yet. Then we changed to our half no.1 uniform (without tunic, wear a white shirt like a t00t) and went to HTA! When we reached, we immediately changed to our tunic. Woah, wear no.1 uniform is damn shuai can!!! Too bad I didn't take photo.. although I wanted to take after training, but was too tired to even smile =P
It was hard to rusok when we wear our no.1 lah! Cos the thing that is used to hold our flag (is it called the flag stash or what? Idk!), it will moved to the right, then when we rusok, we cant poke the flag pole in... So the first rehearsal sucks. The whole gold unit flag party screwed up, and I was like so panicky, feeling so helpless...
By the 2nd rehearsal, I had a littttttle bit of improvement, but it was still bad. I couldn't catch back the flag when I turun. Still quite a disaster...
But by the last and final rehearsal, I think most of us got the tactic and got the hang of it already, and everyone put in effort. Of course, it turns out pretty well. I only made 3 mistakes I think. One is rusok too slow, another 2 is when I turun, i couldn't catch my flag =P Hope it isn't tooo obvious. And many people fall out cos they were not feeling well... Have to take care uh! After the preview, we went back to school and went to mac for our lunch (didnt have breakfast, not enough time -.-).

It was kinda mad, we went to play badminton even tho we were already so tired... So me, vin, hui and yang met up and went to the yuhua CC to find fenfang. But too bad, the badminton court at yuhua CC was fully booked... Decided to play it at the outdoor court. But a sudden downpour dampened our mood. So no choice, we went to toh guan area to play. When we reach there, the rain stopped -.-. Nicholas came to meet us at toh guan too! LOL. And yay, I won him in badminton although his darn good in basketball ^^
Went home at around 6.30, with my sore body... Ouch!
Alright I need to go and study for my phy test tomorrow. Bye!

9:17 PM

Friday, April 3, 2009

Have I rekindled my badminton passion?
I dont know. LOL! I remembered... when I was in primary 5 and 6, I used to be crazy over badminton, playing it almost everyday. Have been 3 years + since I last played it, and recently, I have been playing it again. Seems to interest me somehow =P
On monday after school, met hui and went to the badminton court near sherlyn's house and started playing. LOL we were so rough lah, play until the shuttle also torn apart =P That show's how powerful we are. Muahaha!!!

Played badminton on wednesday again (skipped FE. Shhh...) Met vin, hui and fenfang after school and went to yuhua CC to book a indoor court, since it's raining heavily outside.
Kelvin de racket seems to be made of charcoal =P When you grip onto the handle, your hand will turn completely blackkk!! LOL.
Played from around 3.30 - 5 pm (we started early although our timing start at 4pm) and had a few friendly match with them. It was fun. (:

Hopefully can get to have more chance to play some sports, despite the hectic life i'm having. =) Had NPCC training on thursday. Trained the sec 2, and while the sec 2 went for speech day rehersal, I went to disturb the sec 1s. Haha! And sec 2, you all improved a lot ler =) Jiayou!!!

Still having NPAP preview tomorrow, have to wake up at 6.30pm.. Haishh, but at least i'm enjoying myself pretty much at the trainings =P Hopefully tmr's preview I will not screw up or make too much mistakes =)
Had to control my mood and temper, seem to be getting stresssssed out very frequently lately... Really had to do some self - control and take things aside, to reduce some stress! Cheers!

Tudos! and have a good weekend ahead!

10:07 PM