Open house + CNY shoppingYOOO it's me again, after what seems to be a long time since I've blogged...
Right, thinking back, I seem to miss one blog post, which is the NP open house, but nevermind, if you guys wanna see pic, can go to aijing's blog.
Yesterday, was my school's CCA open house.
It was damn fun, and I bet the sec 1s must have lots of fun, viewing the performances.
Didn't get to see most of the performance as we are all practising for our fancy drill performance.
Im like, damn sad lah, cos on our NPCC fancy drill performance, I made the same mistake, twice, on stage, It's super embarassing. When I turn the rifle, i used too much force, thus, cant catch it and almost drop. But nevermind, it's all over.
Proceeded on to the booth to help out for the recruitment. It was fun, attracting the sec 1 to join NPCC. The CIs and TOs + some ssgt had interviewed those interested parties who wanna join npcc. Total, we had 46 new cadets! (if im not wrong)
And oh yeah, not to forget, congrats to all those that are promoted!
Wee finally I met my goal in npcc, to be a staff sergeant!
After the open house, went home, had a quick lunch, then went to JE to meet ai jing and her clique for CNY shopping~
It was super super windy and my hair are like, mess up.
Train-ed to Orchard, then we went to far east plaza to shop. I was like, keep going from shop to shop but didnt managed to get any of the shirt I like. Im aiming for a white vest + pink shirt. But most of the white vest are out of stock, only left those which are not so nice.. And the pink shirt, design are all, yucks ~_~
Yonghao then join us at far east, then both of us continue to shop while the rest go shop for other stuff, i think its the girls' cny clothings.
Went to wisma, then heeren to shop too. Finally decided to buy a white vest, wait it isn't a vest, it's somehow like a informal vest, don't know how to describe it.
Thanks to my great idea, we then went to JP for dinner at jia xiang mian! Jia xiang jia xiang jia xiang~ Mian mian mian!!!
After dinner, I went to spade and finally bought a blue shirt. Really cant find pink one, so settled for a blue shirt.
It was then pretty late, so I went home first.
Oh yes, pretty sorry if you guys can spot a lot of grammar/vocab/weird sentence structure, I type this in a hurry.
I really need more time now, it seems that I cant cope with my work, and the friggin a-maths. Hate it.
Will blog less now, toooo busy recently =(
I will sign off with 2 photos, which I rip off from ai jing's blog. Those photos are taken last sat when we went for ngee ann poly's open house.
Neoprint taken~

It's rare to see me in spec, treasure this photo.