Christmas eve celebration!!!WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!
Had lots and lots and lots and lots of fun during christmas eve.
It's my first time having sleepovers, at christmas eve! LOL. Normally celebrate at home, and not having so much fun like this year!
Alright, we met at around 9.30 am at wed, and proceed to yong hao's house for potluck party!
Then some of them began cooking the food! French fries, nugget, hot dog and many more!
People started to flow in as time passes, and yi wen/yi yue's mum had even brought bee hoon! (is it bee hoon?, bahh its some noodle can already. LOL) I was like, keep singing cos yong hao happens to have jay chou and luo zhi xiang's album! YEAH~
After the oily breakfast =P, we started to play this game, if im not wrong, call indian poker. The loser will have to drink up the "delicious" drink, which we have mixed with many other "ingredient". LOL! You get what i meant =P
Pressie time! We gathered around and were told to get a candy cane with number attached to it. Ai jing then read out something, everytime we hear left, we pass our candy to the left, or right, then we pass it to the right.
In the end, i got a number 12! Number 12 happens to be ai jing's gift, and i've received an very very slick diary with a fulllll set of markers!
Yipeeee, thanks uh ai jing!
Yingying is the one who gotten my present, the temperature looking thingy which I mentioned in my previous post. Hope she love the present!
Yup, can see that everyone had lots of fun, and so do I! We then took some group photos and bus-ed to city harvest church for candle light service.
At city harvest church, we had this candle light service and an act on the birth of Jesus. It's overall, very fun! Sang some christmas songs/carols and the play was very exciting and not like some boring play about the birth of jesus christ. They make it very interesting and funny!
The pastor then began lighting up his candle and it's been passed. It's impressive to see the whole hall to light up slowly, with the light from the candle lighting up at the front, then slowly each and every candle started to light up.
Joan's cell group people had also give us present containing sweet and chocolate to us. Thank you guys!
After service, we went to han lin's house for steamboat with the stuff that we had bought! The steam boat was delicioussss~!
We then watched little nyonya and then thats when we started to plan whether to overnight or not. Everyone was like, taking turns to call their parents, and yay, almost everyone except huihui and tee yong can overnight! Such a pity they cant join us =(
We were about to do a countdown, but yong hao and me were shaking the champagne soo much and we did not have any openings, so it EXPLODED at my hand when im holding it. Luckily only have some cuts and no one was injured badly =P What an memorable countdown. LOL!
So we were like chit chatting, playing true or dare and poker cards, pranking people in msn. LOL. Also watched "The Mist", which isn't too scary, but kinda more like a gore movie, don't understand why some of the girls are so terrified =P The girls was like, wanting to sleep after the movie, but ended up playing a fool on the bed, only yingying managed to sleep! LOL! We even played basketball at 6am in the morning. LOL! But everyone was exhausted so we went home at around 7.30 am. What an fun christmas eve!
Thanks to everyyyoneeeeee (lazy to name all) for making this memorable christmassss!!!!! woohoo!
Alright, i've rip off those photos at ai jing's blog to put at my own blog! HAHA, but the caption might be a little different!

Busy with the cooking~

LOL watching hui using computer!

Gobbling up the food!

Delicious~ yumyum!

Tuan yuan fan is it? =P

Candy cane, how sweet!

Kris with the rings. o.0 2 of the rings seem to be mine. Hey dont steal!

Playing the indian poker card game!

The log cake for the birthday girl!

Ying and jayne lighting up the candles! Jia you!

Woo, what a sweet smile~

Yi yue, the birthday girl!

Blow out the candle~

Everyone wanting a bite at the cake!

The delicious cake!

Kris and hui, with the chocy mouth!

Unwrapping the present with anticipation!

Say cheese!

The handsome guys =P

The cool guys

The gorgeousssss~

Feat, yi yue the birthday girl!

A toast with the xi de guo dong!

Another toast!

The city harvest newsletter (is it a newsletter? lol =P)

Ai jing and bloom glowing under the candle light!

Im lighting up the candle~ LOL

The magnificent sight of the candle lighting

My candle~

Another impressive sight!

Huihui playing with zuki, the dog at hanlin's house

Yingying's turn to play the doggie!

Everyone snatching the food =X

Still eating~

Dont my colour scheme look just like the dog? HAHA!

Watching "the mist"

Trying to sleep~

Playing basketball at 6am!
Okay thats it, im done!