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I just want to smile
Yours truly.

This is Ray/Richard
Currently studying in HKSS, class 4A
Arrived at this prodigious world on 2nd May, 1993
Im a taurus
Currently single, and available.
Although faced with many adversities,
I struggled to survive all.
And I believe, if I want, I can.
I can't make you love me,
but please don't hate me.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


-L1R4 10 points, L1R5 12 points.
-Im contented at the moment ;)





^2fam Clique
Fen Fang, (Fen)^2
Hui hui, (Hui)^2
Kelvin, (vin)^2
Rebecca, (bear)^2
Serene, (rene)^2
Sherlyn(private), (lyn)^2
Sherlyn, (lyn)^2
Yi lin, (lin)^2

WHATever clique

Beloved pals
Adibah (NPAP'09)
Ai Jing
Alisa (NPAP'09)
Amanda (NPAP'09)
Azlizah (NPAP'09)
Cussie Kelvin
Helmi (NPAP'09)
Jing yuan
Khoirul (NPAP'09)
Ru cui; Esther(habbo)
Saifuddin (NPAP'09)
Shu fei
Yi Wen
Yi yin
Yi yue
Yong hao

If your link is missing, do tell me =)
Inactive links will be removed (sorry)


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Social Studies exam, badly done!

Just went back from school, after my social studies exam.
Today quite relaxing, only have 1 exam, and tomorrow is HARI RAYA, NO NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL~ weee!
My social studies exam...
The source based question is DIFFICULT LA!
Just like history, SBQ i dun think can score, cause my argument is different from others, although teacher always say that as long as its valid argument you can get marks, but my argument is WEAK! Dont think will score well.
As for essay, i wrote on bonding singapore. Ty felicia uh, cause yesterday after memorising, typed out the whole thing to her in msn, that helps me a lot in my memorising, yeah thats her suggesstion, not bad eh? Maybe you all can try it with your friends too. Hehe. So my essay question is pretty normal luh, but sometimes i forget to link back to question... hope I can score well in that.

Later, going to jurong library AGAIN to study for e-maths and chem, gonna be stress~~~~~~~~
Alright, breakfast is here, Bye bye~

10:37 AM

Monday, September 29, 2008

History, FAILED!

Took History exam today, IT's SOOO DIFFICULT!
Okay, the essay is still okay, but... source based question, I DONT UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING THEY ARE TRYING TO SAY!
But i've just tried my luck, cross referencing here and there, i bet i gonna fail my SBQ badly. Essay, I did on Japan, i think I did not do too well for part A too, but part B is still okay.
Overall, i might just flunk it :( SO ANGRY AND SAD NOW~
But yeah, what's done cannot be undone, the ultimate aim is still O level, I will work hard ^^

Before our history paper, is my English paper 1
For situational writing, we were suppose to write a speech. I dont know if I've written correctly or not.. but... i hope i do.
As for the essay, I wrote a argumentative essay despite teacher discouraging us to write that, but i still try because i've never write argumentative esay before.
The topic is... if im not wrong, about internet influencing the values of young people, and asking for my opinions.

Yup, hopefully can PASS my history and english :( History use to be the subject i've most confident in... now it looks like, the subject im worried most.
Tomorrow will be SS, another exam thats similar to history, all the best peeps~
Later going out to jurong library to study with the usual people again! Jia you~

Signing off,

1:55 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Vocal lesson at music story~

It's another week of vocal lesson at music story today!
Especially love this day because its the time where I can learn skills and technique for singing~
Arrived at chinatown at about 11.45am and ate duck rice with my mum. Then went to buy the usual milk tea which is DARN NICE!
After eating and drinking, walked to music story at 76 neil road. Weather is hot uh! LOL! As usual, i'm still 15 mins earlier, so sat down, listen to songs and wait for my teacher to finish his lesson.
Today, is yet another fun-filled lesson. Learned stuff such as how to present myself on stage, those confident thingy, how to use head voice, how to make use of mic's echo etc etc etc ETC~
LOL! Im like, stuck wehn my teacher ask me what song to sing, so i anyhow say Wo bu hui chang ge by luo zhi xiang. Surprisingly, he have the song. He says that when I sing that song, the starting is okay, but when reach the high pitch, i always go flat. I really need brush up on that!
The lesson ended with him telling us to learn Bei pan - cao ge for next week~ Listening to the song now, and later going to study History again!
All the best for everyone having exams!
Signing off,

7:00 PM

Saturday's church service!

Sorry uh, forget to update my blog yesterday... so decided to update yesterday's thing, today!
Went for church service cause was really stressed up after all the studying at home. Met xinyi and felicia at clementi and took taxi to city harvest church. Met up with francis again and i joined his cell group for the service. It's super fun and cool, singing songs and yesterday there's even a guest performance by BY2!!! They're uber cute~ hehe!

After church service, felicia left and me, xinyi together with francis board bus 99 towards clementi whereby we met kelvin, kenneth and weili with their relatives for dinner! After dinner, was crapping around and went home ^^

Thats all! Lol! Really dont know what to write.. but yeah, that pretty much sums it all~ Bye bye!
Signing off,

6:57 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Chinese exam over!!!

Yay! 2 exam's over!
I got 6 more to go~
Today, did my chinese exam. I can say im happy, cause the question was quite easy hehe!
Paper 1, compo. I did a formal letter, cause formal letter is easiler to score. LOL!
As for the other one... i have to choose between 3 questions. The first one is about writing someone hwo did something that makes you "gan dong", or something that touches your heart. Second question ... kind of forget, but, it's something like your house is still the best place when you meet with trouble or something. The third one, is about the new band, call by2 who quitted studies and did not even finish their O level and went to develop their singing career. We are to write out our views and opinions about that.
Expected, I did the 3rd one. Woah, im really lucky, cause yesterday happened to read about interview with by2 at some forum and today, question about them come up ^^

As for paper 2, it's not that simple cause the passage is really hard to understand. I have to read it twice before attempting the questions. However, i find the question is pretty straight forward and direct, and i LOVE doing the part where we have to write down our own opinion ^^

Hopefully to aim a B3 for my chinese... have been getting B4 for so many times. Monday I will have exams for english paper 1 and HISTORY~~~
Must study for history ler! Hehe!

Signing off,

1:16 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's exam time...

End of year exam, is finally here.
I remeber about 1 month ago, I was told to study for the final year exam, and i was like, Why? Its still a month away.
The same thing happen 2 weeks ago, I keep thinking that, why? Its still 2 week away. Times really ZOOOOOM, and it's starting.
Prepare for exam? I had only started this week. Had been planning study group, but it seems like we cant get any people. However, managed to get xinyi to call her friends for studying together, hence went to Jurong library on monday and wednesday to study together with joshua, francis, felicia and tingting.
Although I was not really giving my total focus, but I felt that at least, I study and can absorb more when I study in groups, and in library, instead of at home facing the attraction of teevee shows and the MSN messenger =x

Had my first exam today. It's none other than Fundemental of Electronics. We were told that we can leave if we complete it by 3pm. So upon completion, I just handed in and left, while everyone, are either still doing or wanted to double check their answers again. There is no reason why I should double check, since all the answers I gave were crap, and rubbish, and I bet I would be smiling if i can get a 30/100
Felt like giving up on FE, but... oh well. I just hope that my other exam paper will not be as horrendous like FE.

Tomorrow, will be taking my Mother Tongue exam. It's however encourging, to take back the MT test i did on monday, and discovered I gotten 95/100. But, i know, its because the paper is easy, my exam tmr won't be... so easy. I'll try my best tho..

Before I sign off, just gotta say, IM SUPER STRESS UP!
Super worried about my e-maths and a-maths. As well as physics and chem. Perhaps I should combine my sciences next year? I dont know. Hopefully I will have the will to study it thoroughly and... all the best to myself and the rest of my friends who are taking examinations.

Signing off,

10:03 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Recent going ons in life

Was feeling kinda bored, so thought that maybe I can just briefly update on what i'm doing recently.

Last friday, went out with kelvin, his cousin and a friend of his cousin. Went to play arcade and watch this movie namly "Make it happen". Wow, it's... not really that exciting. The movie I meant. The plot is pretty so-so and the graphic they used isn't really that good. However, I love their sound effect and those music that is playing as this is a dance movie. Well, maybe i'm not that interested in dance, so it was kind of a pretty average movie.

Last Saturday, met up with kelvin, his cousin, francis etc to go to City Harvest church. It can say to be my very first time entering a church (im a freethinker). I was kinda amazed at how the church operates. It's a pretty cool place, and at the basement is actually the main hall where the service is held. It's not like those quiet church which you often see in tv or movie, but instead, it does look like a concert with live band and choir team with a few lead singers. The songs that they sing are also kinda pop.
After service, went with kelvin for dinner with his families. It's really delicious ^^ After dinner, went to void deck to practise on NPCC drill (kind of lame) and we were just hanging out, singing some songs etc etc. Went home after that and its raining heavily.

That's about it, school started and everything is getting tensed up again. EOY is coming, really need to buck up!
And Oh yes, i just updated the truefriendtest with the latest questions I have in mind, do re-attempt if you are bored.
Signing off,

7:45 PM

Monday, September 1, 2008


Hehe, went to Kbox today with Kelvin and 4 of his friends (whom i dont know them).
After my a-maths remedial this morning, I went out to JEC to meet kelvin. At first, its kinda disappointing and angry, cause this kbox trip might be cancelled, due to lack of people coming. Kelvin told me that his cousin and her friends will be coming, then he said they wont be coming, and started calling our classmates and friends, but none of them is free or able to come out.
Hence, we decided to approach his around group of friends whom is also going kbox (but they dont like the idea of me joining, since they dont know me).
However, with some persuading, they finally agreed.
We then went to kbox from 2pm-7pm, at first its kinda awkward, since we dont know each other, but after a while, it's starting to become someehow, better.
It was pretty fun (although not as fun as kbox-ing with the whatever peeps =x) but yeah, I still had fun, singing songs like kiss goodbye, nan ren nu ren, sarang hae yo, ca jian er guo, yuan liang wo.... bla bla bla and many more.
After the kbox, we went to take some neoprints and 2 of the girls left home. The remaining 2 girls joined me and kelvin for dinner, at a japanese fastfood.
Went home after that ^^
alright, see ya~

11:20 PM

Blessing in disguise?

Hello, I was erm... super sick last wednesday night.
I was doing my homework, a-,aths homework, and when I stood up after finishing it, I started to feel dizzy, and felt like fainting.
The next day, I started to feel super unwell, and hence, skipped school. Stayed at home, feeling dizzy, vomitting and yeah, just totally sick.
At evening, went to see doc and realised its a bacteria infection.
However, Im getting better after eating the medicine prescribed.
But, these few days does not only have bad things ^^ On friday, I went out with mum to upgrade my hp ^^ As you peeps know, touchscreen phone is the latest "in' thingy around, and with the release of apple iphone, its a much bigger hit. However, i realised that apple iphone is... not that much of a catch, hence I settled on a samsung tocco, aka samsung SGH-F480.
Hehe, lazy to take photo of that phone, but let me just post a image of that phone I find on samsung webby~

alright, sign off now, see ya!

11:13 PM