Teacher's Day Concert
WOAH, what a blast!
Today, my school had a early teacher's day concert since tuesday is our usual date for assembly. The concert is really a blast!
Well... some of you might know, me and kelvin is one of the groups who will be performing and we chosen the song Happy birthday by The Click Five. But before i go to that, i will write down the time line of the concert.
1. Beginning of the teacher's day concert
2. Some slideshows of the teachers and also pupils who shared their comments about the teachers.
3. Prize presentation: Best teacher's day poem
4. Me and kelvin's performance, follow by another performance.
5. Caring teacher award presentation
6. Last 3 performance
While the first few events is taking place, me and kelvin remained at the backstage. It was SUPER NERVE-WRECKING to see the events comes and goes, and our time to go to stage is drawing near. We were making use of every last min to practise... and im afraid of forgetting the lyrics =X
After the winner of the poem is announced and they have read out their poems to the teachers, the emcee announced for me and kelvin to hit the stage.
The crowd was OVERWHELMING. I can hear applause and cheers. However, I was very nervous =x=x=x
As the song played, me and kelvin started to sing happy birthday by the click five. The first verse was... out of tune. Haha!
Luckily... we managed to catch back the tune after that.
So the song went on and on and on, until the climax, where i'm suppose to sing "Its not that, I dont care, you know i make it up to you... If I could, i'll be THEREEEEE"
That part was suppose to be VERY HYPER. However, i did not bring that up... SUPER DISAPPOINTING!
We ended our performance with the dedications to the teachers.
I would rate the overall performance 5/10. Was super disappointed with myself after I had listen to the recording that I recorded secretly =x
Maybe, i'll find soem ways to upload my songs? But hey, its really awful, so I think i dun wanna upload it. =x
But the whole concert is really a blast and its a very good experience for me.
*sorry for any grammar/vocab/typo error, i typed this in a rush!*
Signing off,
♥ 8:38 PM
Firework @ NDP 08Yeah I know, that happened more than a week ago. But... I was too lazy to update. Teehee ^^
Went out with the WHATever peeps to watch firework at Marina Square. Gosh, it sure was PACKED. Nope, it was EXTREMELY PACK~ Met them at around 3 (I was late and was punished by been tickled =x) and we went off to the arcade where some play pool, some went arcade. After that, went to food court for dinner. It was pack, but luckily jieyi had snatched seat for us =P
Ate the... i dunno how to call that, but its like soup + rice + fried fish. Yummy at first, but got sick of the fish after a while.
We then went off to rooftop after dinner to await the firework. The view... was bad as the firework is being blocked by hotels =x But oh well, at least we still get to see fireworks~
Chit chat for a while when a sudden outburst of firework sent everyone clapping and cheering with excitment. Below will be some photos taken before and after the firework~

After da exciting firework, we went to play pool at the arcade there. Well, it fun and addictive =x Hope that I will be 16 ASAP so that can play at ease, without the fear of being caught for underage =x
Alright, signing off,
♥ 7:48 PM
Singapore song challengeHiya!
On tuesday, me and my friend kelvin actually went for the singapore song challenge which we had registered a week ago. I gotta admit, we did not have much practise =x
The downside is that we had to choose song that is composed by local singer, hence we decided on the song zui jin by li sheng jie, but composed by a local signer called derrick tham.
On that day itself, it was really super fun. I wasen't very nervous, but as the group before us was about to finish, i can feel the heat rising and my pulse beating harder =x
Finally, the emcee called our name, that was when I know, it's showtime!!!
Kelvin started the song, although he went out of tune for the first line, im sooo glad that he catch the tune back at the 2nd line. As for me... zzz it's... well, I did not managed to hit the high pitch as I always did during practise, but well, i think it's still okay luh! =x
Although it wasen't soooo well done, but raelly thanks my classmates a lot, they keep shouting and cheering as if its veryyyy good. LOL! A big THANK YOU~ ^^
Here's a photo of me and kelvin singing (rip off from ai jing blog =x)

Really enjoyed myself,
♥ 3:14 PM