Teenage Icon 08
Yesterday went to the Heeren at Orchard, or rather somerset =x
Went there to support Jermin (A03) and Melvin (A26)
Its really disappointing and sad, yet angry that both talented singer did not get in. I bet there must be something wrong with judges ears =x
But anyway, those peeps there are pretty talented. I felt as if I've just watched a concert! Time really flies, cause we had stayed at the Heeren from 1++ till about 8pm
Umm we can vote for our fave contestine if we purchase anything, so i bought a teenage magazine and gave 5 votes to jermin and 5 votes to melvin! ^^
When buying teenage magazine, can stand a chance for the lucky draw. Woohoo was so lucky to win a mouse(no, not that real mouse, its the computer that mouse =x)
After that, went to cineleisure to have dinner, korean food ^^ Kinda nice for me, but reen wasen't really enjoying that much!
Went home after that~
P.s, I did not take any photos... maybe i will steal from the WHATever peeps blog when they uploaded!
Signing off~
♥ 12:45 PM
Buying of amplifier!Wow, this happened 2 weeks ago.
But well, im very lazy to blog.
Anyway... 2 weeks ago, met up with some of the WHATever peeps and we went bugis.
Maomao wanted to buy drum pad, so we went swee lee.
Wow, when i set my eyes on the amplifier, i really wanna buy it home. So after some discussion with my mum, here is my NEW BABY~~~

It's working fine, although have some feedback at certain volume, but well, its considered to be a cheap amp, so i ought to be happy! ^^
♥ 12:34 PM
Yo~ Have always find this quiz interesting, but had never take the bother to do it.
Well... am gonna do it ... NOW!
10 persons I can think of right now... (WHATever peeps only, sorry, only can add 10, there are just too many of u guys)
1. Bai xing
2. Ray
3. Ferdy
4. Xia
5. Mao
6. Jerz
7. Reen
8. Zhu
9. notebook
10. Kelvinrockz
Who is no.6 having relationship with?
Jerz? Hah, I dont know!
Is no.9 a male or female?
If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
Reen and kelvinrockz... immpossible luh!
What is no.2 studying about?
Just nice.. its me myself =P El, chi, a-maths, e-maths, chem, phy, SS, history, FE
When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Just now =x
What kind of music band does no.8 like?
Does no.1 have any siblings?
Will you woo no.3 ?
No way, his a guy.
How about no.7?
Nope, we are just friends.
Is no.4 single?
Yeah, so girls, u can date him.
What is the surname of no.5?
If im not wrong... its Xu.
What's the hobby of no.4?
Hmm.. sports/rock-climbing
Does no.5 and 9 gets along?
Yeah they do, in fact, everyone in WHATever gets along.
Where is no.2 studying at?
Talk something casually about no.1:
Bai xing... friendly, kind, fun to chat with.
Have you tried developing feeling for no.8 ?
Err.. yes of course. Friendship feelings.
Where does no.9 live?
Near woodland.
What colour does no.4 like?
Black, red.
Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
Does no.7 like 2 ?
LOL! reen like me? Nah, we always quarral for fun. Just friends only.
How do you get to know no.2?
No.2 is me myself =x
Does no.1 have any pets?
Yes, hamsters
Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Of course, she's a babe!
What is no.10 doing now?
Viewing blogs.
Alright thats all.
Might do another one for my real life classmate.
♥ 10:56 PM
MOE excel fest + wenjie's advanced birthday outingYeah~ Went for the MOE excel fest as im one of the lucky/unlucky AS(applied subject) student of fundemental of electronic.
The 8 of us went to suntec convention hall.
There are people who enrolled to this... should i call it seminars? Our teachers mr wee, mr ong etc were giving talks and teaching them those basic electornic stuff. Most of the people who enrolled are... our own school teachers =x
We were assigned to the tables and our job were mainly just to guide them if they are lost or dunno what to do. Easy job, but kinda boring... =x
2 photos taken ^^

The 5 of us taking photo in our smart blazers~

Zilian photo =x
After the MOE excel fest, I rushed off to the toilet, get changed, styled my hair and was good to go to vivo city to find the WHATever peeps~
Went to the ship and we took a few picceh there.

Group photo!

The shuai ges~

The chio bus~

Me and jaslin~
I will update the picceh if there is still any taken by any of us :)
After that, we went to the Jia Xiang Mian noodle house to eat. I ate the fish fillet noodle~ Haha! It was very nice.
We tehn go to the open spaced garden at the top. I was like playing ferdy's guitar, making noise =x =x =x
Chit chat till 9++ and we all went home :)
Signing off,
♥ 10:41 PM
It ended too shortly.
Alright, if im gonna write everything about the camp, its gonna be a 1000 word essay, so im gonna just make it... as short as possible?
Anyway, I GOT NO PICTURES~~~ Did not bring my handphone :(
Maybe u all can go my other classmates blog to see pictures ^^
And oh, our instructor Kim rocks~~
We went to the Jalan Bahtera (is it the correct spelling) camp site at the morning.
Check in to our "5 stars hotel", put our bags and went off.
We then assemble at the MPH, multi purpose hall for those briefing etc etc etc.
Time for us activity!!!
Oh wow, this acvitity seems easy, but.. it is really scary, for people like me, who is scared of height.
When I go up, i was realllllly freaked out! It's like, woah~
Then it's my turn. The instructor ask me go over to the edge, face him, squat down, lean out and straigten my leg.
Sounds easy? NO ITS NOT!!!!
The fun part is when we are going down. Left hand to hold on to the rope in front of me, right hand to hold on to the rope behind me. Loosen grip for right hand to descend. Wakakaka, although i keep swaying, but.. IT WAS OVERALL FUN~
Zipline aka flying fox:
The most thrilling game eva~ Its at the same block with the abseiling, but at the other side. LOL it was so funny, because it seem to be super easy when you are at the bottom. It STILL look easy when you climb up.
I was only frreaked out when it was my turn, when i walk over to the plank and was ready to jump.
Cause I had to walk to the edge of the prank and literally jump off.
The feeling is like, you are walking halfway, and you walked onto a ewmpty space and u dropped.
Yeah, but it was thrilling!
We then had our dinner, then we got night activity, kidnapped.
Kidnapped, we had to find Danny, whose actually enjoying himself with Mr Ngiow at the aircon room while we are soooo hot and sweaty from all the minigames we are playing and running about.
Had our supper, and lights out at 11.30
DAY 2~~~
Wake up, bath in the morning, brush teeth, had morning exercise.
WOW! did 300 buddha clap, that chief jeff is mad =x
Then had our breakfast.
Yay~ I love this. Kayaking!!!!!!!
At first, I was kinda angry and upset. It's a 2 person kayak, meaning I had to find someone to kayak with me. However, each got their own pair, and I felt so extra being the odd one out. Luckily, instructor Kim paired up with me.
Had to carry the stupid kayak down the road, to the sea, since we are the first for the day to do kayaking.
Time to kayak~ Woohoo!! It's a advantage since I know how to kayak and duh, of course instructor Kim knows too. So we were like accelerating pretty fast and go around splash water at other of my classmates. woohoo~
The other instructor then gather us over and we were told to stand on our kayak.
Pfft, not fun at all, so easy~ Haha!
After that, that instructor went to shake our kayak. First time, failed.
Second time, failed, third time failed. We seem to be good at balancing huh? But at the fourth time.. our kayak capsized =xxxx
Wow, it's such a bother to climb back into the kayak. After countless attempts, I finally climbed back in~
Time flies, and we had to head back to shore.
Nature... RUMBLE!!!!!!!
The most fun activity that we had.
Nature rumble.
We had to walk a certain distance, and we walked into a... how do i call that? semi-forest? However, the deeper I went in, the muddier it gets.
We walk n walk n walk. The mud is also sorta slippery.
Thats when we came upon water! Umm... sandy water I meant. I dunno what to call that, it seems to be a swamp to me.
We were then having fun, splashing water around.
The most fun part is here, we walk back to another place, where there is a pool of mud. We were to play WWM, world wrestling mud.
Was shock at first, cause its.... very dirty. and muddy.
The girls tried first, and woah, they were having a lot of fun, trying to pin the other people down to the mud. Thendral went soooooo violent and torn mabel's shirt. LOL! It was the boys turn. That monkey instructor told us to aim Victor, he also told the other team to aim Lihan. Haaha, victor was been pin down.
I was pushing victor when that instructor Larry (monkey) jump onto victor and push him down. Wakaka, when he comes up, his whole face was full of mud. We were like splashing mud about. We then walk to the place where there is water again, and washed ourself. We carry on to walk on the water, and it gets more n more stony.
We then reach the.. small waterfall. LOL.
That marks the end of our nature rumble, we then walk back to campsite, wash up, and ate the pathetic leftover for lunch.
What makes the camp exciting? C A M P F I R E ~~~~~~
The campfire night after dinner was AWESOME~
We seen class after class to perform. I dont know if its unlucky or lucky, but my class 3A is the last class to perform.
We had a bus scene and had to run around the campfire, with the song playing "The wheels on the bus goes round n round"
The song suddenly changed and we all had to do the dance that those dancers in our class taught us.
The song changed again, and Jane, clara, shao yi, mabel and syafiqah had their dance.
Then we all get into position while yi yue was been carried out and do a trustfall!
The song changed again, with breaking free playing.
Oh woah, soooo suay~ the mic spoil, so got no choice but to sing without mic!
Song... yeah u expected it, changed again, and we all jump around the campfire while singing it. Then we all did our class cheer ^^ Im like... the only guy in our class whose hyper and shouting.
Ater that, we all had a party, but me and a few other ppl had to go home, since we had our MOE excel fest the next day.
And then...
home sweet home :)
I would like to thanks allll the instructors~~~ especially kim!!!
You all rocks! and hope all the rest of my 3a classmates enjoyed the camp too!!!!
Signing off,
♥ 11:19 PM