NPCC SANA CourseThe holiday has started and it's already starting to get bored.
Life still goes on and nothing interesting happen.
The only thing I can write about is the SANA course I attended today organized by our NPCC.
SANA stands for Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association, so you all will rougly have a idea that it's about anti drug.
When we reach Sengkang for the course, we were split up to groups and as there were also other NPCC cadets from other school, we were forced to be arranged in a group so that we don't know anyone in that group, meaning all the rest of our group members were from other school.
The course started with lectures and more lectures.
After that we had our lunch which consists of rice, curry chicken, stewed cabbage and egg. The lunch was horrendous anyway... lol.
After the lunch, we went back in for a test and we had watch 2 movies about drugs.
We were also asked to do a role play on anti drug and as all the people in our groups do not know each other, we had a hard hard time to discuss about the role play. So eventually, our group's role play did not turn up well. What follows next is Tug-Of-War.
Oh man, that stupid game... only me and kelvin in our group were the one pulling with the most strength and after the game, my palms felt as if they were burning!
We were then asked to go back to the room and were given some survey form to do.
After that, the course had ended. I still have to go online and ask my friends and parents to fill in the anti-drug form before I can get the SANA badge. Such a bother!
Okay thats all for today ^^
I've also went to this website to price my name Richard Tey, here's the price.